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Borealis loads a song but doesn't finish it

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BigDPS View Drop Down
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  Quote BigDPS Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Topic: Borealis loads a song but doesn't finish it
    Posted: 17 Nov 2010 at 8:57pm
Well this is a first for me. It will load the song start playing it and then quit before the end. It will then proceed to the next song as if nothing has happened.

The only thing I did different this year is that my system went from Win XP to Win XP 64 bit. I reinstalled everything fresh but never had that problem before. Right now I'll let it go through the show (no lights or nothing) to see if the 2nd or 3rd time around, the cache will be play thoroughly.

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  Quote Jonathan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18 Nov 2010 at 9:11am
I didn't know XP had a 64 bit version available.  I thought only Windows 7 had that.  Shows you how much I know about computers these days.

Anyway, exit Borealis.  Open up the task manager, and make sure it's no longer running because it usually is.  Then try deleting borealis.dat (it will regenerate itself when you start Borealis again).  See if that helps.

If not, was the song in question originally imported as a .wav or .mp3?
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  Quote BigDPS Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18 Nov 2010 at 2:45pm
Yeah XP64 is like the dark horse of the windows family. It is not as known as other platforms but is good and stable IMHO.

I will try deleting the .dat to see what will happen. The file is originally a wav not mp3.

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  Quote Jonathan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18 Nov 2010 at 3:01pm
Well, that's good news.  Auroa will work with any audio file, but mp3's can be problematic depending on the code used to compress it.  Since Aurora generates a .wav file anyway, it is recommended to use a .wav file to begin with. 
Are you using v1.0.69?
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  Quote BigDPS Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18 Nov 2010 at 5:46pm
Yup running the latest version.

I just deleted the dat file and created a new one. Have been listening to the whole show and all the songs play no problem. What an ordeal that can become sometimes.

On a different note, I am trying to update a sequence I did a few years back.
It had 80 channels and I am now at 160 this year. I'm able to import the channels from a newly created file but when I want to copy and paste on a certain area, it tells me that I can't copy in that area.

Instead of copying a big section of it, I did small bits at a time and it worked. What baffles me is that I copied in the very same spot it told me I couldn't. Just weird. I don't want to rock the boat since this will be the first time in 2 years that I will be able to use the WiLink in my setup.
Instead of 26 or so songs, I cut it in half this year. Oh the misery of trying to make everything purdy!!!

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  Quote Jonathan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18 Nov 2010 at 6:26pm
The copy paste thing is a known issue, and some development on fixing it had been made before Michael realized he needed an actual income to continue, well, living, and you know the rest.

Helpful hints when copy/pasting, and this goes for everyone following this thread:

1.  Always COPY, never CUT.  Sometimes events won't paste, and if you cut, you can't always undo, which forces you to either close the sequence and reopen it (thus losing changes), or re-program that lost section.  So copy, paste, and then delete the original if you need to.

2.  Verify that all cells copied over.  On my machine, sometimes the first column doesn't make it over.  Don't assume it will always work because it won't.  Again, Michael is aware of this, but nothing is going to change, at least not this year.

3.  You can't copy / paste W2E events.  Those must be regenerated.

You can also try modifyng your sequences via deweycooter's program (send him a message if interested).  It can take an old sequence, change the channel layout, and I believe it may be able to deal with events, but I'm not sure as it won't work on my systems (making converting last year's sequences to this year's channel setup a living hell for me as well, so I feel your pain).

But I'm glad to hear that Borealis is behaving for you once again.
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  Quote BigDPS Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18 Nov 2010 at 7:12pm
I had tried cooters program but it crashed on me. Somehow, it doesn't like my computers. One is Win 7 and the other XP.

There are many problems with Aurora family but it is stable enough to run our shows so I can live with it. The main drag is trying to do something in a fashionable timeframe but this program decides otherwise!

I just wonder if I'll get the midnight show startups again this year. I don't like having an elbow in my ribs when I just fell asleep to be asked "Did you turn off the display?"
 Very annoying.

Thanks for your input BTW.

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