This isn't the big bug fix release (that is still coming) but is an interim release that addresses some remaining "339" errors and adds automatic start and sequence testing to the scheduler. The remaining fixes are incomplete and/or haven't been tested so they were left out of this build.
Autostarting the scheduler:
Use the /start command line option to make the scheduler automatically start after opening (good for putting the scheduler into the startup group)
Testing a sequence (a debug option):
To test a sequence through the scheduler without creating a schedule, use the /test="C:\Program Files\Aurora Sequencer\Sequences\myfile.dls" command line option. This can also be used as an interim way to shell a sequence to run when externally triggered. Note: The scheduler doesn't auto-close after started in this way, so you will need to handle closing the scheduler from within your app if you want to use the test debug for this purpose... Windows has some APIs you can use for detecting the app and closing it. The test option isn't perfect for the task but I know a lot of you wanted -something- by the 15th and given the higher priorities right now (real bugs) this is the best I can do for now.
Release notes:
- Adds "/start" command line option to scheduler
- Adds "/test" command line option to scheduler
- Fixes Error 339 on "MSCOMM32.OCX"
- Fixes Error 339 on "COMDLG32.OCX"
- Fixes Error 339 on "MSCOMCTL32.OCX"
- Fixes Error 339 on "MSCOMCT2.OCX"
- Fixes Error 339 on "MSMASK32.OCX"