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DMX is almost here!

Printed From: Aurora
Category: Aurora Sequencer Software
Forum Name: Aurora & DMX
Forum Discription: The place to discuss using DMX with Aurora
Printed Date: 13 Mar 2025 at 2:46am
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.06 -

Topic: DMX is almost here!
Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Subject: DMX is almost here!
Date Posted: 06 Aug 2009 at 8:52am
The secret Aurora lab in Area 51 has been busy with a lot of code for the next release, version 1.2, which is currently planned for mid-September.  This next release will introduce native support for DMX within Aurora.  There is also another secret bonus in this release which all of you will enjoy, DMX user or not.  Sorry, no hints are available just yet.
More specifics on how Aurora will support DMX will be made known as we approach the release data.
In the meantime, for our own planning purposes, I would like to know how many of you are planning to use DMX with Aurora this year?  Taking a moment to answer the poll above will help us better prepare for our next DMX announcement.


Posted By: BigDPS
Date Posted: 06 Aug 2009 at 7:02pm
I voted no for the simple reason I have no DMX items in my home. Should I know what Aurora would bring me using DMX items, I would've voted differently. With that in mind, I want to thank LOL (not laughing out loud but lightonlogan) and the beta testers for bringing us a very good product. Aurora as well as D-Light boxes, a light show it creates.


Posted By: breakbenj
Date Posted: 07 Aug 2009 at 12:16pm
I agree with BigDPS in that I don't have any DMX and have no clue as to what Aurora can do with it so I voted No also. I would like to also echo what he said as far as the job everone has done with respect to Aurora and D-light. I am anxiously waiting for the release of the full version like a child waits for Christmas morning.


Posted By: HarleyHaynes
Date Posted: 09 Aug 2009 at 7:38am
I was hoping for a little earlier release date to try and put some lasers in my show but if I have learned anything is not to underestimate the amount of time it takes to get some of these things going.  I want to be running Dec 1st  so hopefully this will be a smooth release.  I think you guys are doing a great job and look forward to the challenge. 

Posted By: everett
Date Posted: 09 Aug 2009 at 9:13am
I hope to put 2 Renard 24's very soon. They can use DMX. I will probably rely on my dlight boxes for now, but hope to try out Aurora's DMX cababilities when I get the new boxes built. I am hoping to just add a output port to Auora and mix both the dlight boxes and Renard boxes. I hope Aurora will be capable of sorting out the channels and sending the outputs to each port, DMX or Dlight, as needed.

Posted By: JohnnyL
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2009 at 12:14am
we wont be using any DMX toys this season but we certainly will in 10. looking forward to the new goodies though, keep up the good work, John

"In God We Trust" all others pay cash

Posted By: bdkeen
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2009 at 1:44pm
I too voted no only because I haven't decided if I want to jump into the DMX money pit yet. I'd sure like to play with it and having the capability will be nice if and when I start taking the leap.
I'll just echo the notes about the great job that's being done with Aurora and that I'll be anxiously awaiting any enhancements and improvements in any upcoming releases. Always looking for ways to push the envolope just a little more with the current hardware


Posted By: jberner
Date Posted: 11 Aug 2009 at 7:09pm
I have DMX foggers that I use at Halloween. I am looking forward to having a way to tie them in to the light show rather than having to manually trigger them.  BRING IT ON!!!!Clap

Posted By: solidmodeler
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2009 at 9:39pm
I voted yes because I bought some DMX light devices from a couple failed nightclub auctions. Most controllers coming out now have DMX capablity. Also found some Automation servo devices that can be controlled with DMX

Jack of all trades, master of none.

Posted By: Tassleholf
Date Posted: 15 Aug 2009 at 9:38am
i voted yes .

i have lasers and fog machines in my halloween  display and do not like leaving my lasers on all the time and am too lazy to switch on and off with a foot switch LOL

Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 19 Aug 2009 at 11:04am

Using DMX with Aurora will require the purchase of an Aurora DMX adapter package.  This package will include everything you need to start using DMX with Aurora:

6' USB cable
USB-to-"DMX over Cat5" adapter
6' Cat5 cable (you can inexpensively substitute with a custom length)
"DMX-over-Cat5"-to-DMX adapter.
Aurora DMX Universe Plugin License
We've begun accepting pre-orders for the DMX adapter package on our web site for $54.99.  These orders will not ship until we are done with the software, but there is a price discount to offset the wait time. -
Note: To ensure a quality DMX experience, complete support of all effects on all 512 DMX channels, and continued hassle-free compatibility, we decided to support DMX with an Aurora-specific adapter package.  This conclusion was reached after much research into the options which are currently available.  We do not plan to support third party DMX adapters for 2009. 
Also, included with the upcoming DMX release, we've redone the playback engine in such a way that it will be possible for any computer on the LAN running Aurora to control the lights attached to any other PC as though the USB adapters are attached to the local PC.  For example, it will be possible to edit sequences on the sequencing computer and test them by sending the data out the "live" PC without moving the USB-485 adapters around.  You can even play multiple sequences simultaneously (although that could look rather strange).  Running multiple copies of Aurora no longer results in only one copy being able to access the COM at a time.  Linking across a Wi-Fi network should even be possible as long as your Wi-Fi router doesn't introduce latency.  Since Aurora is licensed for multiple copies allowed in a show, there are probably more possibilities than even we though up.
While Aurora doesn't directly support it in an elegant way in the upcoming release, this change to the COM system also means that it will be possible to (with a little effort) hack together one-shot sequences that respond to yard triggers even while the main sequence is already running (after it is out I'll have to write a howto on this).  We have plans to exploit this possibility in a more convenient way in the future.


Posted By: deweycooter
Date Posted: 19 Aug 2009 at 12:24pm
Yes! My Halloween project just got easier!!

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Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 19 Aug 2009 at 2:19pm
Originally posted by deweycooter

Yes! My Halloween project just got easier!!
For the next version, if you have a way to acquire your triggers that doesn't use the RS-485 line, then it will be possible to run any sequence on demand by shelling Borealis with the "run this sequence now" option (even if the COM is in use by another instance since that doesn't matter anymore).  You can see why I called this a hack.
Eventually we're going to make the COM 2-way so that triggers can be read off trigger boards on the network and then managed directly in Aurora, but since we just re-did the COM... I didn't want to make the plumbing that complicated yet until what we have is proven in the wild.


Posted By: BigDPS
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2009 at 6:27pm
If I understand correctly, with this new version coming up, I'll be able to do this:

I have computer A connected to my controllers through the USB to serial adapter. It is also hooked up to my wireless LAN system. While I walk in the yard, I can "trigger" that computer to play any sequence I want as if that laptop I'm using was hosting the actual setup? If so, that's wildClap! If not, that would be awesome..Embarrassed


Posted By: BigDPS
Date Posted: 03 Sep 2009 at 7:00pm
Anybody out there? I just wanted to know about my question. Sorry if everyone is busy sequencing...Embarrassed


Posted By: deweycooter
Date Posted: 03 Sep 2009 at 10:11pm
That's how I understand it.  It sure seems to open up a lot of possibilities.

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Posted By: BigDPS
Date Posted: 04 Sep 2009 at 9:53am
Thanks for the reply. It sure would be neat being able to walk in the yard with a laptop and turning on whatever you please.


Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2009 at 6:30pm
Originally posted by BigDPS

Thanks for the reply. It sure would be neat being able to walk in the yard with a laptop and turning on whatever you please.

I was aware of the answer when you asked, but I had to check with Darryl to make sure this was ok to mention in public.  We are working with D-Light so they can interface HWUtil with Aurora so that HWUtil tests can be done while an Aurora show is in progress.  Your wish very likely will come true.


Posted By: BigDPS
Date Posted: 12 Sep 2009 at 6:18pm
Wow! This is starting to be more and more like the kicka$$ program to have for our displays!


Posted By: beavis
Date Posted: 17 Sep 2009 at 1:13pm
So I'm new to the concept of DMX. Is this only supporting DMX for color change type stuff, or is movement part of the equation as well?

Posted By: MrChristmas2000
Date Posted: 17 Sep 2009 at 9:38pm
DMX is the protocol (the digital language that the computer/controller communicates with equipment) used by the professional lighting community to control all kinds of lighting units.

Standard DMX equipment uses a 3/5 pin XLR connector instead of the RJ45 connector found on equipment like LOR or d-light. There are adapters for connecting the two physical methods together. However the software control is the same no matter what physical connection is used. If you want a real good primer on DMX check out this WIKI.

There are controllers which use DMX to control lights just like a LOR/d-light controller does. Having Aurora supporting the DMX protocol opens your ability to use not only these standard type of controllers but things like spotlights, laser etc. Each piece of equipment usually comes with controlling information. For example if you have a spotlight with a movable head and perhaps supporting RGB you would have a channel for controlling each of the RGB lamps just like a firefly has RGB capability. Another set of channels would control the positioning of the spot, like a channel for X, a channel for Y and a channel for the Z positioning.

Sequencing for a DMX based light controller is really no different than sequencing for any light controller.

I hope this helps.



Holding breath for DMX.

Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 18 Sep 2009 at 8:37am
Most of the differences are "under the hood" so to speak.  For Christmas lighting, the D-Light and LOR protocols are actually better suited for the purpose and less CPU intensive than DMX (because the controller hardware does the FX rendering, whereas DMX only knows one command: intensity... everything else has to be software rendered), but DMX does have some rather nifty toys to play with as well as some rather inexpensive controller kits out there.

For standard lights (par cans, color washes) all of the standard Aurora functionality will apply by software rendering (intensity, ramp, shimmer, twinkle, RGB, etc.).

We will be developing detailed plugins for some moving lights as well to give a better interface to them than just using the intensity control to set things (e.g. vector control, rotations, etc.).  [Hint: I just bought a Q-Spot 300 so that will probably be the first plugin.]  There is an API in the works which will allow third parties to develop their own tool plugins (and even protocol plugins) as well.  The Q-Spot plugin will not be included in 1.2 due to time constraints... look for it between now and November.


Posted By: christmas 01
Date Posted: 19 Sep 2009 at 8:58am
has there been anymore advances with dmx control through aurora yet?
cheers colin , uk

Many hands make christmas lights work

Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 19 Sep 2009 at 9:51pm

Okay, not really DMX, but....

We're half way though Sept, can we get an update on the release? If it has to be Oct, just say so, just leave us haning though.

Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!

Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 22 Sep 2009 at 1:05pm
I think I need to duck after this announcement...

Until yesterday I really thought we were going to make the end of September, but yet another issue which slips the schedule was encountered.  This release has encountered far more "speedbumps" in the road than usual even for a release of this magnitude.  We're already 3 weeks behind the intended release date and all I can say at this point in time is "October".  I wish I could give a specific date, but I can not do so accurately yet.  You are correct Pony_God, everyone deserves to know what is going on.

Here are some details on what has happened over the past two months which has led to the delays (a bit technical):

Due to a bug in the DLS database (file format) which went uncaught for 2 years, it became impossible to add DMX (or other protocols) to the DLS files without a significant rewrite that affected more than 60% of Aurora.  The bug was extensive enough to require breaking compatibility with older (pre 1.2) DLS files.  Since there are other issues with DLS already in the problem log (most notably the 37xx ADO errors, the occasional lockup during decompile, and slow copy/paste), it was decided to change the feature timeline in favor of everyone here. 

Earlier in the year about 6 months of work went in "Aurora 2" which included a new database format (DLS2) with significant speed increases (particularly surrounding copy/paste), a new networked COM system, the foundation of a third party plugin system, and which did away with the "compiling" wait during sequence preview.  With DLS1 broken and the timeline for 2.0 behind schedule, the decision was made to remove DLS 2 (and some other features) from Aurora 2 and to incorporate them into Aurora 1.2 instead (killing several birds with one stone)  DLS1 files would auto-convert to DLS2 in 1.2.  This moving of features came at a great cost to us (no 2.0 upgrade sales in 2010) but was the right thing to do for our customers.  Basically, the plan was to deliver 50%+ of Aurora 2 as Aurora 1.2 on September 1.  In typical Aurora tradition, specifics on the feature set were not made public until we were within one month of release (or so we though). 

The release was supposed to be BIG news and a huge boost to sales.  Instead, we've hit some 11th hour issues and this has become a PR nightmare right as the Halloween customers are depending on us the most.  There is no doubt that this failure on our part is going to greatly hurt our sales this year.

We made a huge mistake on the timeline estimates, and for that I do apologize.  If you were counting on DMX for Halloween and have already ordered an adapter, please contact me by email so we can remedy this situation to your satisfaction.


Posted By: BigDPS
Date Posted: 22 Sep 2009 at 2:45pm
So basically, for us who don't use the DMX, we'll have an upgraded version of Aurora 2 mixed with 1? At no cost? If so, I'll take whatever you throw at us!!!Thumbs%20Up

Like everything in this world, things never seem to run as planned. I guess your program isn't bullet proof therefore, you guys will run into technical difficulties.

I'd rather have a stable program than one that barely works. Too hard on my nerves!!!


Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 22 Sep 2009 at 3:04pm
Originally posted by BigDPS

I'd rather have a stable program than one that barely works. Too hard on my nerves!!!

My thoughts exactly.  

Technical difficulties = High blood pressure and threats of divorce.  Wink


Posted By: JohnnyL
Date Posted: 22 Sep 2009 at 5:54pm
Thanks for the headsup. Now that you responded to PG's question will you answer mine? Are you going to fix the RGB bug? 

"In God We Trust" all others pay cash

Posted By: beavis
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2009 at 5:47pm
I'm really interested in the dmx concept (mostly for the moving lights.) Sounds like maybe it's safest to wait until next year.

I think I understand the basics of what DMX is and how it works. I just can't visualize how movement programming would be accommodated through the existing interface. Would they visualize just like light channels (with varying intensity) with it being up to us to figure out how that translates to movement?

Just trying to get my head around how it will work. I don't think I'd get into DMX just for fades and color changes. I'd probably stick with dlight for that type of stuff. It's the movement controls that mostly interest me.

On a separate topic, anyone know of a good place to get more information on dmx devices? One question I have is how this stuff will hold up outdoors. Especially for those of us in the (or maybe near) Great White North. :)

Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2009 at 8:51am
Thank you for the update.

We have been extreamly happy with Aurora, and it's capability, updates, and thoughtfullness to it's customers, just as D-Light does.

We would much rather see something be delayed, and be done correctly, rather than pushed out and patched later. Also, being a programmer, delays and unforseen bugs are the norm and are perfectly understandable.
In general, I don't buy upgrades just because it's new, but we feel as though the quality of Aurora and work that goes into it will make Aurora 2.0 conciderably more advanced, and we're still planning on upgrading when available, so you've still got out money. That and, we want work tward Aurora 3 to continue, and are happy to hand over some cash to keep Aurora alive and well.

Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!

Posted By: JohnnyL
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2009 at 4:43pm
we, also are very happy with Aurora. making the switch from S2 was smooth. my wife really loves that Spectogram and the timing. it took her less than an hour to get the hang of it. until the little bug showed up in testing it was smooth sailing. switching sequencers again is absolutely not going to happen. all im asking for is an acknowlegement that there is indeed a problem with the RGB and hes working to fix the bugger. is that too much to ask?   John

"In God We Trust" all others pay cash

Posted By: deweycooter
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2009 at 5:09pm
See - this thread - since the COM engine is being rewritten, the actual code that causes this bug is likely to be replaced by all new code.  Part of the testing of this new engine will be to verify that all playback features (including RGB) work as intended.  So instead of debugging and fixing in 1.0.x, 1.2 will fix it.

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Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2009 at 10:04am
Yes, I though this had been addressed in the other thread.  I'm sorry you felt ignored.  I haven't been able to reproduce the bug here (so I can't personally acknowledge its existence from a first person perspective), nor have we done any beta testing on this issue.  However, the described conditions point toward the RGB "compiling" step which is going away entirely in the next version.  As stated, whatever bugs exist in there will go away with the replacement.


Posted By: JohnnyL
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2009 at 2:00am

i didnt "feel" ignored. I was Ignored. the first time this bug showed up i posted about it June 4 09 -  . No Response. Again beginning june 27 09 -  and Jonathan was very helpful trying to find a workaround (Thank You Jonathan). then again on August 19 09 the problem pops up again so i posted it again in the same thread. No Response. around the 27th of August i sent you an email regarding this issue. again No Response. If the shoe was on the other foot, what would do?

"In God We Trust" all others pay cash

Posted By: bdkeen
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2009 at 11:08am
I took a look at one of the problematic sequences too. There are definitely no events to cause the RGB channels to activate. If I erase all events on the channels the blinks stop. Save the file thinking I fixed the problem, reload the file and once again the rgb channels are blinking as if there were events sequenced. No events are shown in the sequence.
Not all the RGB channels seem to have the problem - some controllers are ok and others are not. In this instance controler ID 'B' has the problem but it doesn't seem to be related to the controller ID either.
There don't seem to be any 'ghosted events' in the sequence either. I set the questionable controller B to 10 , then added a new controller 'B'. In the past if there were what I'll call ghosted events they would often times show up on the newly added controller. That didn't happen. I deleted all other channels in the event that somewhere something on another channel might be causing the problem - no good -  with only the 1 dcx16 (ID B) in the sequence and no events showing in sequence there's still blinky-blinky. Erase the channels and blinky stops - save the file, exit aurora - even reboot - open Aurora, reload the file, no events showing in the sequence, just the time lines, run the sequence and RGB channels are going wild blinking..  Actually looks like a twinkle is happening across all 3 channel rgb channels - all reds together, all greens together, all blues together. (I had a sequence where they all shimmered together). Set the RGB channel color to black and sort of brute-force turn them off and that seems to work to stop the unsequenced events since there's acually something (no color) sequenced. But that's not a desirable way to have to sequence the problem channels.
Hopefully, as was indicated, this may be corrected in the next release since it appears from the response I got to RGB issues a good portion, if not all, of the code has been undergoing an overhaul.


Posted By: vlongo
Date Posted: 29 Sep 2009 at 6:44pm
Tongue So what happened to the Aurora upgrade? I am hoping for a copy and paste option between sequences?

Posted By: dowdybrown
Date Posted: 30 Dec 2009 at 11:08pm
Since 1.2 will support DMX, I'm assuming it will support Lynx Express boards? From what I've read here, I guess you'll have to use the Aurora DMX dongle (the Lynx dongle won't be supported)?

A lot of excitement within Lone Star Holidays for Lynx Express all of a sudden. People are realizing you can get more features for about 1/2 the price of LOR kits. These folks are trying to decide between Vixen and LSP for their sequencing. I'd like to suggest that they consider Aurora as an alternative, but I can't do that in good conscience without a firm date for 1.2.

As soon as 1.2 is released, I will probably jump on the Lynx bandwagon myself (assuming Aurora supports it).

Matt Brown

P.S. Thanks for a great product! I'm very happy with the way Aurora ran my show this year (96 LOR channels + video wreath).

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Posted By: deweycooter
Date Posted: 30 Dec 2009 at 11:49pm
There has been successful DMX control discussed in the Offtopic forum and that does mean that the LE boards will be supported.  I don't know that there is a hard date, but I would guess that would be a priority for this year - my money would say that it would be fully supported by next season.

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Posted By: bdkeen
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2010 at 3:41pm

Getting a couple of the LE's to experiment with..  Would like to also have a DMX dongle that would be compatable with Aurora. Any suggestions?

If we'll need to order the DMX adapter through Aurora is there any way we can do that now? (even if it's pre-order again)


Posted By: Rod R
Date Posted: 07 Jan 2010 at 6:07pm
I'm looking at the LE boards as well.  I'm currently running all D-light AC and DC hardware but RJ is running a COOP right no at a great price.  So I'm looking at trying out a couple boards.  Wold like to stay with Aurora vs Vixen.  I like Aurora's features.

Posted By: bdkeen
Date Posted: 07 Jan 2010 at 6:22pm
I signed up for 2 LE's in order to experiment with them. I's like to try and get a usb-dmx dongle that Aurora will support in hopes to maximize my $$'s, hence my question about where and what usb-dmx dongle might we require in order to try and insure compatability and efficient spending?
Some the DIY dmx items are beginning to look like attractive alternatives. I'm also very interested in the dmx over ethernet and the possibilities it may hold for some of the crazier things I might want to try.


Posted By: dowdybrown
Date Posted: 08 Jan 2010 at 12:22am
I'm signed up for 6 LE's in the current coop, so I am also very interested in getting Aurora working with them. I intend to run them with the wireless add-on.


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Posted By: Comporder1
Date Posted: 14 Jan 2010 at 10:01am
OK Beta-Guys..... I know Michael is on vacation, but I want to get in on the LE coop. But before I do, what is the likelyhood that Aurora will reveal DMX this year?
Tick, tick, tick..... coop ends tomorrow. :)

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Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 14 Jan 2010 at 10:17am
Originally posted by Comporder1

OK Beta-Guys..... I know Michael is on vacation, but I want to get in on the LE coop. But before I do, what is the likelyhood that Aurora will reveal DMX this year?
Tick, tick, tick..... coop ends tomorrow. :)

Since Michael had us all sign a NDA form when we agreed to be better testers, We legally cant say anything that goes on in the beta test forum.  I know....hiding behind the paperwork. LOL   

PM Deweycooter, I think Michael and him talked about what can be made public on the DIY forum.


Posted By: Comporder1
Date Posted: 14 Jan 2010 at 11:06am
Originally posted by ChrisL1976

Since Michael had us all sign a NDA form when we agreed to be better testers, We legally cant say anything that goes on in the beta test forum.  I know....hiding behind the paperwork. LOL   

PM Deweycooter, I think Michael and him talked about what can be made public on the DIY forum.
Understandable... I'll give Dewey a shout.
Thanks Chris

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Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 14 Jan 2010 at 11:19am
Hey, what is the benefit of running DMX? I am trying to see if there is a reason for me to run it? Currently I am doing just d-light boards and it seems to be okay. what are the added benefits to the DMX aspect and how does it relate too Christmas Lighting?

Sorry not a newb to lighting but am to DMX.

Coming soon

Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 14 Jan 2010 at 11:34am
Slink...its some pretty cool stuff.....  Michael posted  in the public off topic forum  video of him using a dmx run light......mms://


Posted By: bdkeen
Date Posted: 14 Jan 2010 at 12:19pm

For some reason I don't see how it can harm anything if we were to know what USB-DMX dongle Aurora might be utilizing. Doesn't seem that it would reveal any secrets in the workings of Aurora.

For those of us that are either thinking of DMX or pursuing the LE coop it would insure that we'd not be wasting $'s and maintaining compatability. Can't see the value in obtaining a USB-DMX dongle just to test the LE's if it's not going to function with Aurora.


Posted By: breakbenj
Date Posted: 15 Jan 2010 at 1:22pm
This might be a stupid question but I will ask it anyway, What are LE's and coops?


Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 15 Jan 2010 at 2:04pm
co-op  I believe is a group buy so you get a better price.     Kind of like what PC people with CDI led-presale without the price adjustment but since CDI requires you to buy a case.   You need 6, I need 6, we buy a case together.

LE are the DMX boards I think


Posted By: MrChristmas2000
Date Posted: 15 Jan 2010 at 3:21pm
That is correct. LE is the Lynx Express and found over at

It's a light controller that uses the DMX data protocol to communicate from the PC to the controller instead of the LOR/d-light data protocol. The physical connections look the same but electrically and data wise they ARE different. One exception is the LOR product which can sense DMX vs LOR protocol but the cable wiring on the DMX side is just a little different. The cost per channel with a Lynx product is significantly lower than commercial products because YOU build it. The DMX protocol can also be used to operate very fancy light and mechanical devices as well. It is used by all professional stage lighting companies to run all those wild light shows at concerts.


Holding breath for DMX.

Posted By: deweycooter
Date Posted: 15 Jan 2010 at 3:52pm
Originally posted by Slinkard

Hey, what is the benefit of running DMX? I am trying to see if there is a reason for me to run it? Currently I am doing just d-light boards and it seems to be okay. what are the added benefits to the DMX aspect and how does it relate too Christmas Lighting?

Sorry not a newb to lighting but am to DMX.

how about ... - this ?

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Posted By: BigDPS
Date Posted: 15 Jan 2010 at 5:04pm
I like those lpg thingys. It sure looks nice. Wouldn't want to have them running all the time but for certain songs, heck yeah!


Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2010 at 12:03pm
That and the cost of them and then the recharges BUT Def. cool!

So will that type "Stage" equipment only work with DMX?

I have some snow blowers that have DMX inputs but I just hook them up to a kit74 relay board that I activate via a channel on my D-light board. reason for this is the pull damn near 15 amps by themselves.


Coming soon

Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2010 at 8:08am
Anyone want to give a comparison/overview of the Lynx products?
I'm guessing the Express is basically an ACx16, What's that 128 channel Freestyle?

Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!

Posted By: deweycooter
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2010 at 9:01am
I'd say the best comparison of the Express is the ACx16 - they have differences, but when it's all said and done, they're both 16-channel dimmers.

I think the Freestyle can drive your $/channel down even more, but there's more to the decision.  First the SSRs are not on board - they are separate (which could mean separate enclosures depending on where you locate them).  You do have to run cat5 and power to each SSR to control its 4 channels. 

This could be good if you have a pile of channels that are physically far apart.  You could really see some savings in extension cords by using the Freestyle (remember not just $$ savings, but also storage savings).   Group the channels in groups of 4, run cat5 and power to the SSR, then a short extension cord to each of the 4 channels from the SSR board.

I've never bothered to try to do the math - finding out how much I'd save with a FS vs 4 LEs.  You'd also have to consider extra vampire plugs and cat5 costs... And I've always been a bit turned off by the thought of having to manage/deal with that many more enclosures.  Confused  I may have a use for one this year... we'll see.  Smile

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Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2010 at 11:27am
Yeah - I used to do a complete DIY system. I actually found when it was all said and done that buy D-light boards when they went on sale was actually cheaper then building out 595's.

Mostly this is based on the amount of my time invested. It takes me about 1 hour to completely build out mount and test a gold edition. While it takes me the better half of a month to completely do a 595 plus build out all the SSR and SSR boxes. Thats why I ended up switching although I had serious doubts about that move back in 2007 while going through the great Software Debacle!

Just my 2cents and really not even related to this topic sorry...

Coming soon

Posted By: tonyjmartin
Date Posted: 09 Jul 2011 at 12:52am
Originally posted by LightsOnLogan

Most of the differences are "under the hood" so to speak.  For Christmas lighting, the D-Light and LOR protocols are actually better suited for the purpose and less CPU intensive than DMX (because the controller hardware does the FX rendering, whereas DMX only knows one command: intensity... everything else has to be software rendered), but DMX does have some rather nifty toys to play with as well as some rather inexpensive controller kits out there.

So many promises in this thread ($54 Ethernet/DMX adapter, hardware utility for D-Light within Aurora, etc.)  And so many opinions that are polar opposites of today, like above.  So much for supporting the loyal long-term D-Light/Aurora users who contributed to this thread.  I suspect that most would have been happy if they could just have had their shows run reliably.  Are new software sales to power users participating in the RGB pixel fad really expected to eclipse those who merely desired a robust and easy-to-use sequencing program?

One thing about fads... they pass.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2011 at 8:20am
Seriously, dragging up a post that is 6 months old? Really?  You must live in a world and a economy that never changes.   If you think RGB is just a fad, you have not been following any of the boards in the last 12 months. Been to many Mini's lately?  Been to many big box store during Christmas? RGB is pushing into this hobby like a freight train. Besides that, the obvious cost analysis of going to RGB verse trying to equal that in straight LED's is getting much closer. You know I think I remember a few people saying the same thing about LED's about 5-6 years ago. 

Of course there is nothing wrong with not using RGB or not using LED's even. I just met a guy at the ICE mini this weekend who does not use LED or RGB and his display is beautiful.  Is RGB the end all tool for our hobby, of course not. It is also not a tool that support for it can be ignored especially by the most important piece of equipment in the entire show.  Newbie like the idea of RGB and will require it before a software pourchase, many of the user like the idea of using RGB, there is no choice but to support it.


Posted By: tonyjmartin
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2011 at 9:05am
Originally posted by ChrisL1976

Newbie like the idea of RGB and will require it before a software pourchase, many of the user like the idea of using RGB, there is no choice but to support it.

I would prefer that this be in addition to, not in lieu of, existing customers.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2011 at 9:08am
Originally posted by tonyjmartin

So many promises in this thread ($54 Ethernet/DMX adapter, hardware utility for D-Light within Aurora, etc.) 

Yeah, no other company with much deeper pockets has ever in the history of hardware for this hobby has ever done that....Oh wait


Posted By: tonyjmartin
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2011 at 9:19am
Originally posted by ChrisL1976

Yeah, no other company with much deeper pockets has ever in the history of hardware for this hobby has ever done that....Oh wait

Pointing to the shortcomings of others is not a valid excuse for our own.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2011 at 12:21pm
I'm just pointing out a trend that is not only in this hobby, but pretty much most technological based industries these days.  Times are tough these days for everyone if you have not noticed.


Posted By: tonyjmartin
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2011 at 12:54pm
Originally posted by ChrisL1976

I'm just pointing out a trend that is not only in this hobby, but pretty much most technological based industries these days.  Times are tough these days for everyone if you have not noticed.

Yes, I have noticed, thank you.  But once again, pointing to the shortcomings of others, or an industry in general, is not a valid excuse for our own.  You seem to be painting with a very broad brush in an attempt to excuse a one company's specific choices and dismiss customer dissatisfaction, all the while directing the discussion away from the topic at hand.

Chris, you are doing exactly what you have criticized others for doing in defense of other vendors.  If you wish to emerge from this with your credibility intact, I suggest that you reconsider your defense of a vendor because its new direction happens to coincide with yours.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2011 at 4:44pm
Coincides with my own? coincides with the direction this hobby is going. I just happen to like this particular trend.  This is the direction of EVERY SINGLE Software developer.....LSP, Aurora, LOR, VIXEN, Prancer...ECT ECT.....Its E1.31/DMX, RGB  based,  mass channel count sequencing and support.  You show me a single vendor is not working towards that goal?   If a  software does not support what the people want, they will go elsewhere and get it.  

I'm sorry if this direction the hobby is traveling does not coincide with your own and that the growing pains it requires are causing you issue, but its just the way it is.

My guess, like anything else in any market place, Aurora has NO choice but to follow the trends or fall by the wayside.  If I was buying a software, I would want it to support everything whether I am going to use it or not right away. So RGB support, mass channel count and DMX is required.  Unfortunately, the newbies are the ones buying the software and paying for development which for this.  I am sure the economy is not sending 10-15 new Aurora user a month like it may have in previous years.  


Posted By: tonyjmartin
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2011 at 8:56pm
I never said that Aurora should not pursue the inclusion of DMX related protocols in its development efforts.  I simply disagree with the decision to stop supporting an existing group of D-Light customers, especially after they have been waiting for quite some time in anticipation of the software's promised fixes.

As I said before, I would prefer that this be in addition to, not in lieu of, existing customers.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Posted By: BigDPS
Date Posted: 12 Jul 2011 at 9:42am
I second that. Supporters of this software since 2007, I think we deserve to be not forgotten. Just my 2 cents.


Posted By: dynawg
Date Posted: 12 Jul 2011 at 12:31pm
And add my third.  

Posted By: brunnesa
Date Posted: 12 Jul 2011 at 2:19pm
Ok, I am willing to convert all 22 of my controllers to DMX firmware. I am also willing to by a E1.31 adapter. BEFORE I do all of this work, I want a 100% for sure that the software will be ready. That is alot of work to have to redo, if Aurora is not ready.

Posted By: tonyjmartin
Date Posted: 13 Jul 2011 at 10:44am
Originally posted by brunnesa

Ok, I am willing to convert all 22 of my controllers to DMX firmware. I am also willing to by a E1.31 adapter. BEFORE I do all of this work, I want a 100% for sure that the software will be ready. That is alot of work to have to redo, if Aurora is not ready.

In - this thread related to 2010 season plans, Aurora stated that it would support DMX by July 2010 "guaranteed".  And in forum_posts.asp?TID=1028 - this thread shortly thereafter, Aurora stated that D-Light/LOR proprietary protocol support would return in v2.0.  I could go on finding these kind of links, both here and elsewhere, scattered over the last two years.  But you need to feel comfortable with your own decision as to whether or not you can depend upon Aurora for your 2011 decorating plans, given this release history.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Posted By: brunnesa
Date Posted: 13 Jul 2011 at 10:53am
Originally posted by brunnesa

Ok, I am willing to convert all 22 of my controllers to DMX firmware. I am also willing to by a E1.31 adapter. BEFORE I do all of this work, I want a 100% for sure that the software will be ready. That is alot of work to have to redo, if Aurora is not ready.

So, Michael do you have any advice for me?  Will I have a functioning DMX Aurora that can support more than one DMX network and keep all of my existing ramps and shimmers?  I am not asking for a handout.  I am willing to buy a new version of the software.  I am trying to make plans for next year and do not want to change my controllers over to DMX and have to change them back.

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