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Support of additional protocols and hardware

Printed From: Aurora
Category: Aurora Sequencer Software
Forum Name: Questions About Aurora
Forum Discription: Considering ordering but want more info from other Aurora users?
Printed Date: 13 Mar 2025 at 2:11am
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.06 -

Topic: Support of additional protocols and hardware
Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Subject: Support of additional protocols and hardware
Date Posted: 01 May 2008 at 9:22pm
We've gotten several questions regarding what protocols and hardware Aurora will support beyond LOR, D-Light, and DMX.  Given the interest, I thought a forum post on the subject was appropriate.
Aurora will be adding support for several types of new hardware starting with version 1.3.  The new hardware support will be by means of a "plug-in" architecture.  Several plug-ins for Aurora will be made available directly by us.  Additionally, a SDK will be made available for third-party developers to write and distribute their own plug-ins for Aurora. 
The exact date for when 1.3 will be available is still to be determined.  In an ideal world, we would like to see this happen no later than early September, but it is still far too early to commit to an exact date. 
1.3 will of course be a free upgrade to owners of any 1.x version.
In the meantime, feel free to post in this forum topic any protocols/hardware you would like to see added to Aurora.  We will certainly take all input into consideration.


Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 03 May 2008 at 5:50am
Have had two people mention they would use Aurora if it used the AL (Animated Lighting) protocols. Biggest hurdle would be the licensing, IMO.


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