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After moving everything lights don't work

Printed From: Aurora
Category: Aurora Sequencer Software
Forum Name: Aurora 1.0
Forum Discription: This is the place to discuss (and report bugs) the 1.0 version of Aurora
Printed Date: 12 Mar 2025 at 5:53pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.06 -

Topic: After moving everything lights don't work
Posted By: garrisonl
Subject: After moving everything lights don't work
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2008 at 12:38pm
Hey guys:
Don't know which category this falls under either.  Got all my sequesnces moved to Aurora.  When I ran the test from the AC16 the lights work.  When I start the music they don't.  Did the com port just like in spectrum.  What am I missing to make them work?

Mark & Lisa Garrison

Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2008 at 12:48pm
Check your controller addressing and be certain they are all set to Network Segment 1, and that your Serial Network Config is also set for Network 1.


Posted By: garrisonl
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2008 at 1:00pm
Giving me
Debugging information
8005: port already open
lightbulb tool
Still no lights

Mark & Lisa Garrison

Posted By: garrisonl
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2008 at 1:48pm
Give up time
Neither aurora or spectrum work now.Confused Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

Mark & Lisa Garrison

Posted By: JonB256
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2008 at 4:49pm
Are you simultaneously running a Hardware Controller? (LOR or D-Light)
Are you running the sequencer at the same time?

JonB - D-Light user

Posted By: garrisonl
Date Posted: 10 Sep 2008 at 5:35am
No, I fixed it.  It was called reboot.  Amazing what happens when you turn a computer off and then back on.Embarrassed
As always, Thx guys

Mark & Lisa Garrison

Posted By: jberner
Date Posted: 12 Sep 2008 at 1:45pm
I have a similar issue when I start a new sequence. It wouldn't display to the lights for anything. I had to save, close Aurora and then reopen it to get the lights to activate.

I have also noticed that when I have a sequences open, start a new one and import my channels from the previous one it also leaves the lights programmed to the old sequence even though they don't appear in the new sequence.  Even though the light programming is from the wrong show(the previous one) if you save it, it saves the proper data and if you close and reopen the software it begins with the proper (new) show data loaded.

Posted By: garrisonl
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2008 at 2:16pm
Ok got this computer up and running.  Now not sure what I'm doing wrong.  Does the Dlight hardware utility have to be running?  It discovers the controller, have everything set to 1 and com3 was assigned to the controller.  Test lights work fine, but no lights when i send it to the controller.  If I close the hardware utility, I have to reenter everything.  Any ideas guys?Confused

Mark & Lisa Garrison

Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2008 at 3:04pm
I would suspect that if the HWU was running the same time as Aurora was outputting there would be a communications conflict. The D-Light HWU is just an add-on for Aurora and has no bearing on Aurora's functions. If there is a problem using the D-Light HWU with a D-Light controller, then your best bet is the D-Light forums - although we'll try to help here too!
How about the Network number? Has that been assigned? You cannot assign a COM port to a controller, btw. Whatever the OS assigns (since windoze, mere humanz no longer have control in this regard) to the RS485 adaptor or WiLink is what the COM port will be.
Test lights??Confused Please explain. 


Posted By: garrisonl
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2008 at 3:43pm
Sorry, there is a test button on the controller and when I push it it works.  But when i send the music to the controller is does not.  I will keep trying.  I thought it had something to do with the software.  Thx, I will ask Darryl or one of the guys over there.  They have pretty much run me through all of this.

Mark & Lisa Garrison

Posted By: JonB256
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2008 at 4:18pm

Lisa, you said you had everything set to "1" 

Is that Network 1?  or controller ID #1 ??  

What is the ID # for your controller(s)? By default, they are always #2, so unless you know that you changed them, they are still #2.

When you do a Discover in the HWUtility, and it finds them, it will say something like "ACx16 1.13" to tell you what firmware level you have but only if you doubleclick on one of the discovered controllers will it tell you what the ID # is for that controller.

Make sure all of them, if you have more than one and I think you do, have different ID numbers and a good rule to follow is that none of them are set at ID#2.

JonB - D-Light user

Posted By: garrisonl
Date Posted: 21 Sep 2008 at 5:51am

I only have one controller so far.  On this computer the active unit is 2.  On the other computer it saying it is 1.  Since i only had one controller I left it in default.  It works just fine on this computer but not the other.  When I do the test after discover on the other computer it works.  But once I close HWU it doesn't read it anymore.  The sequences will not go to the controller after I close the HWU.  It all works just fine on this one, i would just rather not have to hang cords out the windows.  Looks like that may be what I will have to do.Confused

Mark & Lisa Garrison

Posted By: JonB256
Date Posted: 21 Sep 2008 at 7:22am

When you say - "hang the cords out the window" - are you using a WiLink to go wireless to the controller? If so, the WiLink has a different COM number than the USB485 adapter. If you have WiLink, and with it connected, look in the Device Manager (I think you did that earlier) you should see an entry at the bottom of the "Ports (COM and LPT)" list. On my XP computer, with both type of connectors (USB and WiLink) connected, one is COM3 and the other is COM9. Yours may be different but should still be at the bottom of the list.

If I want Aurora to talk to my controller, I have to change its Network settings to either 3 or 9.

I can see from your postings at D-Light that you are getting frustrated but I have a feeling it is something basic that is being overlooked. 

ps. - If you have used the test push button on the ACx16, you should unplug power to the ACx16 to be sure it is out of the test mode before trying to control it from Aurora.

JonB - D-Light user

Posted By: garrisonl
Date Posted: 21 Sep 2008 at 7:48am
No wiLink.  This computer is the one I work on and cannot go outside.  I will have to run the USB and the speaker cables through the window.  The other computer on the other hand can be set up outside for nothing but the the lightshows.  The controller ID is 2.  Never changed it.  The light goes solid when I send the sequence, but no lights.  When I plugged in first thing this morning on this computer it was reading it as id #2.  Now both computers are reading it as #1.  I figure if the computers want it to be #1, I need to change the controller id.  I don't know how to do that. Yes getting a little frustrated, not sure which forum I should be on anymore.  Don't know if it's the software, hardware or just a dumb blonde thing.  Probrably the latter of the 3.  All the testing works but not the sequences.  This computer is on network 1 com6 and goes to the controller just fine in both spectrum and aurora.  The other computer  is on network 1 com 3.  The test after discover works, but when I send the sequence nothing.  I did the test push button yesterday and have unplugged and replugged several times since then.  That is the first and only time I have ever used it.  I just wanted to make sure there nothing wrong with the controller.  I read everything I can before asking, but this time I just can't seem to get it right.

Mark & Lisa Garrison

Posted By: garrisonl
Date Posted: 21 Sep 2008 at 8:17am

I did notice that the LED light will blink twice before the sequence starts.  Then is goes solid and no lights.  It seems to loose the controller when I close the HWU.  And nothing different when just minimize it and leave it open.  Tried everyhting at this point, not sure what to do with it.

Mark & Lisa Garrison

Posted By: jberner
Date Posted: 21 Sep 2008 at 8:24am
Here are some things to try.
Use the D-Light Hardware Utility(HWU) to set the controller.  (HWU Tutorials- -  ) Follow the HWU instructions to set its com port setting to read your USB adapter. Once it is found, set/reset the hardware ID to 2 and save it.  Close the HWU and reopen it and determine if the the HWU finds it on the same com setting and ID.  If it does NOT find it properly contact D-Light you could have a flakey controller or other issue.  If it does find it again apply the newest firmware.   This should help make sure your controller is stable and is correctly updated to a version that Aurora can read. Hookup a few strings of lights to the channels (particuliarly channel 1) and run some of the test functions to make sure the channels are working.  If they dont contact Dlight. Close the HWU if all worked well.
In Aurora- Click the settings option on the menu bar at the top of the screen.  Open 'Serial Network COnfiguration' and delete any networks in place.  Make a new network giving it ID1 and the SAME com port you used in the HWU.
Add a Channel to the sequence and make sure you pick the correct controller type and version.  There are 2 different options for Dlight ACx16. I use the firmware 1.13+, if you updated your firmware in the Dlight portion of this oost you should be ok with that option.  Once that has been selected be sure to Select Network 1, Device ID 2, Channel x (where x is the particuliar outport cord you want to control, I would use 1 as that is what I asked you to test in the dlight portion), give it a color if you like and click save. (There is a bug in version 1.0 of aurora that I have to save my sequence here and close and reopen Aurora to make the Network setting change work right)
Once back in Aurora make a new sequence and choose any music your like. Click the "I" Intentisy button and then click on the main area of your sequence on the new channel you just activated to place a "turn on" event on the channel.  Select the Info button on the left pane just above the "I" button and the click the event sequence you just added and make sure it is set to 100%. Save your sequence and close and reopen Aurora and your test sequence.  If all looks the same, continue.  If not set it up again and make sure you save the sequence prior to closing and reopening Aurora.
Make sure you have lights plugged in to the channel you just created.  In Aurora, click the Lightbulb icon so that it has a red background. Click the sequence area and press the home button on your keyboard to send the sequence to the beginning and then press the green 'Play' triangle to start the sequence.  When the sequence scrolls past your "turn on" even it should come on.  If it doesnt I dont have much more advice for you other thn make sure you paid your electric bill.. :)
I have noticed that anytime I add channels I need to save the sequence and close the Aurora and reopen it to make sure it properly updates its buffers.  The same seems to occur if I want to change sequences or music. 
Try that an let me know how it turns out.

Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 21 Sep 2008 at 8:31am
Just a  half-awakeSleepy musing...
Have you installed the USB/RS485 drivers on this other computer?


Posted By: jberner
Date Posted: 21 Sep 2008 at 8:34am
She had to have the driver install for the HWU to see it.

Posted By: garrisonl
Date Posted: 21 Sep 2008 at 8:39am
Yes they are installed.  Still trying.  The LED still goes solid and it connects when I have HWU open.  When I close it it just deletes everything I put in it.  How do I change the controller id?  It is in the default 2 and is telling me it is 1

Mark & Lisa Garrison

Posted By: jberner
Date Posted: 21 Sep 2008 at 8:45am
Look on the Dlight site ( - ) for the Tutorials on the HWU. They can walk your through that part better than I can via text. I couldnt get that part right when I first started. I kept having a problem getting it to stick on 2 as well. -

Posted By: garrisonl
Date Posted: 21 Sep 2008 at 9:12am

Ok, decided to just change the controller to 4 and just get away from 1 or 2.  What are my setting configurations supposed to say?  It says network 1 com 3.  The general configuration has 4 in unit id and 4 in the network address.  When I try to add network 4 and com 3 it gives me a runtime error and goes back to network 1 com 3.  Not quit getting this I don't guess.  It works fine on this one no matter where I set it, but not the other computer.

Mark & Lisa Garrison

Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 21 Sep 2008 at 11:21am
1. Connect controller to RS4885 adapter using known good cable, and connect adapter to computer using known good USB cable.

2. Open D-Light HWU.

3.Select a valid COM port


5. In the ACTIVE UNIT area make certain the "All" box is checked.

6. Click the GENERAL CONFIG tab. Enter the Controller ID number you desire, and click SET. You will be asked a "do you want to do this". Answer yes.

7. Click the DISCOVER tab. And then click on the other Discover tab. It should now display the controller you have hooked hooked up along with the ID number you assigned along with the firmware revision number.

Unplug AC from controller for a few moments and plug back in. You may have to click the CONNECT icon again. Perform the DISCOVER option again to assure the new Unit ID is still there.

8. With a few strings of lights plugged into the controller, click either the 8 CHANNEL TEST or 16 CHANNEL test depending on your controller type. Click on the ALL ON icon, all lights should light.  WRITE DOWN the Unit ID and Com Port settings used with the HWU.

9. Close the D-Light HWU. Leave controller connected to computer.

10. Open Aurora and load a sequence.

11. Click the SETTINGS tab. Click SERIAL NETWORK CONFIGURATION. The Network should be 1 and the COM Port should be what you had written down as the COM port used with the HWU. If not, change it by clicking DELETE NETWORK, then clicking ADD NEW NETWORK.

12. Your sequence. Click a channel to display the properties of that channel. NETWORK SEGMENT should be set at 1 for all channels present in the sequence, and the same for the DEVICE ID since you stated you only have one controller(should be set to whatever ID you assigned the controller via the HWU). If not, change it.


Posted By: garrisonl
Date Posted: 22 Sep 2008 at 6:12am
To all the Mikes and Jons.  Thank you soooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!Smile  It was the channel setting.  I moved the sequences from this computer to the other.  It is a little difference.  I have a lot fixing to do, but I'm up and running.  Maybe I can get some work down now.Clap  Hey guys, I've had to number you so I know which Mike or Jon I'm talking to.  Either way you are all great!!!!!

Mark & Lisa Garrison

Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 22 Sep 2008 at 8:05am
Originally posted by garrisonl

Ok got this computer up and running.  Now not sure what I'm doing wrong.  Does the Dlight hardware utility have to be running?  It discovers the controller, have everything set to 1 and com3 was assigned to the controller.  Test lights work fine, but no lights when i send it to the controller.  If I close the hardware utility, I have to reenter everything.  Any ideas guys?Confused

Make sure your HW is not connected to the controller or you wont get anything.  I found this out last season.


Posted By: garrisonl
Date Posted: 22 Sep 2008 at 9:23am
Yeah!!!!!!!!!Clap Hey everyone, I have my show running!!!SmileSmileClap

Mark & Lisa Garrison

Posted By: compfire
Date Posted: 22 Sep 2008 at 5:36pm
Glad to hear you got it working.  Nothing is worse then when the lights don't come on or work like they are suppose to.

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