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Scheduler error 457

Printed From: Aurora
Category: Aurora Sequencer Software
Forum Name: Bug Reports
Forum Discription: This is the place to report bugs
Printed Date: 13 Mar 2025 at 9:23am
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.06 -

Topic: Scheduler error 457
Posted By: bmpaul
Subject: Scheduler error 457
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2008 at 6:50pm

Today I had some test shows running to see if the scheduler would really re-start after getting to the end of a show because it always says its running the previous show after all the lights are off and the end time is past. It did, but then I discovered a new problem tonight. I was watching a couple sequences and realized that it was playing the sequence to one song and the audio from another one. I never changed anything in the sequencer, I just had a different order in the shows I tried today.

When I figured out this problem tonight I figured I would just take this song out of the loop and play the other five. Now I am getting an error when I try to start the Scheduler. I uninstalled the sequencer, rebooted, installed it, and then rebooted again ( I'm no computer expert so I figured re-booting more would be better than not enough). The error says Aurora encountered and unexpected error and will now reset.  Debugging Information 457 : This key is already associated with an element of this collection. Aurora.Scheduler.Initialize.0   Aurora.Scheduler.Initialize.1

The thing I think is strange is when I re-installed the sequencer and opened one of the sequences. My sequences were still there. I figured when I removed the program they would have been gone with it. I have them all saved on one of those USB drive things for back up. This error pops up as soon as I open the Scheduler, I never get to the calender page, it stops at the aurora picture.


Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2008 at 7:29pm
You uninstalled Aurora via the control panel, correct?

Also, please include details about your operating system (XP, Vista, memory, etc.) as well as the version you were using when you encountered the error and the version you were using when you reinstalled Aurora. 


Posted By: bmpaul
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2008 at 11:06pm
I originally uninstalled from the control panel. After I posted about my problem I went back and found that there was still some items left in the Aurora Sequencer file. I copied my sequences file and deleted the rest, rebooted and then reinstalled the aurora sequencer version 1.0.32. and my problems are fixed. The Scheduler opens without any problems and the sequence that was playing the wrong audio went back to the way it should be.
Here is some of my computer information if you still want it to help figure out why this error came up. I am running Windows XP, I have a 2.0 GHz AMD Sempron prossessor and 896 MB of RAM. I don't know all that much about computers so if you need more information let me know and where I can find it would be helpful too.


Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2008 at 8:39am

Due to a small bug, Borealis will not allow you to edit a show while the scheduler is in "started" mode.  Doing so results in the 457 error.  Workaround: don't do this... always stop Borealis with the red "Stop" button before editing the schedule.

There is also another very small bug in the Borealis doesn't update the status bar to indicate that the show has finished.  It really has finished, it just doesn't say that it has finished.
Regarding the audio files out of order, this is also a symptom of editing a show while the schedule is running.  Simply closing and reopening Borealis will straighten this out (there is no need to reinstall, etc.)


Posted By: onewish1
Date Posted: 13 Oct 2010 at 9:56pm
I am having the same problem with a new computer I am using.. it was fine until I tried to set up the show schedule to run.. start up the program and get this error now

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