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Auroa Stopped Working on Load

Printed From: Aurora
Category: Aurora Sequencer Software
Forum Name: Installation Issues
Forum Discription: This is the place to discuss issues with installing Aurora
Printed Date: 13 Mar 2025 at 3:13am
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Topic: Auroa Stopped Working on Load
Posted By: crittertip
Subject: Auroa Stopped Working on Load
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2009 at 8:38pm
I am on Windows 7 and am trying to setup my show for this year.  When I load the sequencer I get an error that Aurora Sequencer has encounter an error and stopped working.  There are no error codes or options but to close.  I have reinstalled the program but continue to get the same error.  Can someone please advise on what is causing my issue?


Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2009 at 8:53pm
Not just yet.  First we need to know what version you are using, if you upgraded from an older version, and if the controllers output normally via a hardware utility. 


Posted By: crittertip
Date Posted: 23 Nov 2009 at 9:24pm
Using the latest version .068. I did have an older version of the program on but could not find it after upgrading to windows 7. I am using the d-light hardware utility and everything works fine. Is there a Aurora hardware utility available?


Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 23 Nov 2009 at 9:28pm
Try this. Uninstall .68, reboot, then install 1.0.43, and reboot. Try running. If all is good then install 1.0.68.


Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 23 Nov 2009 at 11:25pm
Ya beat me to it, LightChristmas.  Anyway, if you ever upgrade the software, you MUST uninstall from control panel, reboot, install the new version, reboot, start program.  Not one of those steps can be skipped, and it must be done in that order.


Posted By: crittertip
Date Posted: 25 Nov 2009 at 7:33am
Ok..I followed your directions above. The .041 version gives me a runtime error 68. I rebooted between each step. Next steps?


Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 25 Nov 2009 at 8:48am
Only time I've seen EC 68 is when an external storage device is used. Make certain you are installing/running from a hard drive and the sequences/music is there as well.


Posted By: crittertip
Date Posted: 25 Nov 2009 at 10:21am
We are installing on the C Drive. We can't even get to the point to be able to get to the sequences/music files.


Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 25 Nov 2009 at 10:55am

You're on 7, did you try to "run as administrator" for the install?

Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!

Posted By: crittertip
Date Posted: 25 Nov 2009 at 11:56am
Yep. I think we may finally have it. Have one final step - update to .069.


Posted By: searayovernighter
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2009 at 7:37am

What was the final fix action if I may ask?  I'm having similar problems

Posted By: vlongo
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2009 at 4:56pm
Hello! I am having the same runtime error 68 problem using Windows XP Pro With Aurora Version .041 also. Anyone have a fix? It just happened to me last night?

Posted By: vlongo
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2009 at 5:08pm
FYI My hadware utility is only showing Unit #4 out of 4 Total Units. 1,2,3,4.

Posted By: vlongo
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2009 at 5:17pm
FYI Using the D-light Firmware Updater I am Able to connect to all 4 controllers but now can only discover 0 using the Hardware Utlity.
No fix yet?
Any Ideas?

Posted By: searayovernighter
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2009 at 5:59pm
When using your firmware updater, did you have all your boxes connected while you flashed it?  If you did, all your boxes will have the same ID

Posted By: crittertip
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2009 at 6:01pm
OK, I ended up going completely through my hard drive via a search to find anything Aurora and deleting it all. Then running through the whole reloading of the program. You MUST restart after you take it all off AND you MUST restart after you re download and install. I also made sure that I had all of my music and my .dls files in a folder on the C drive so that I could find it. (I made a Christmas Light Show folder in my documents.) Hopefully that will help. The error 68 seems to come from the fact that I had last saved it to an external drive. Therefore, when you save your files, make sure that you do not close until you have it set to save to your C drive again. Clear as mud? LOL!   


Posted By: vlongo
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2009 at 6:02pm
FYI My display is not running now using Borealis?
Please help!

Posted By: vlongo
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2009 at 6:07pm
I did not flash I only checked the connections to them.

Posted By: vlongo
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2009 at 6:35pm
FYI Update! I took all power off my controllers, Re-powered and discovery was possible. Started show works ok! Still have runtime error 68 in Aurora.

Posted By: brianandrus
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2009 at 4:57pm
I too have been having much grief with aurora, only under vista.
I am only using the demo version (trying to decide between aurora and LoR), but I constantly have the error:
Aurora sequencer has stopped working

Then I have to close it.
It does it EVERY time the 15 minute timer expires.
It does it often when I try to normally close it.
It does it sometimes in the middle of trying to create or play a sequence.

Not that impressed to be honest. If I had a guarantee of some sort that I could get a refund if the full version causes grief, I would probably buy it just to be sure. I prefer aurora because I have invested in D-Light hardware from the past.


Posted By: crittertip
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2009 at 6:38am
If memory serves me right, I think there is a 15 minute limit on the demo version. Maybe someone else can jump in and correct me if I am wrong.    Once you get the show going, Aurora is a great program. The runtime error 68 comes into play if you forget and close the program on an external source then take the external source off of the computer. When the program reopens, it tries to find your files in the last place you saved to. Hopefully this will help you.


Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2009 at 8:41am
Originally posted by brianandrus

I too have been having much grief with aurora, only under vista.
I am only using the demo version (trying to decide between aurora and LoR), but I constantly have the error:
Aurora sequencer has stopped working

Then I have to close it.
It does it EVERY time the 15 minute timer expires.
It does it often when I try to normally close it.
It does it sometimes in the middle of trying to create or play a sequence.

Your first two error conditions are essentially the same (the 15 minute timeout does the same thing as you closing the program yourself).
There are different priorities in how we treat fixing these error messages.  Getting an error message, only on Vista, while closing the program, is one of those errors that has been around in the issue database for quite a while but really isn't a high priority when it comes to fixes (since an error when closing the program doesn't really affect the functionality).  It's more of a "papercut" than anything.
The last failure mode does concern me though, since it actually affects functionality.  Were the "stopped working" messages in this particular case preceeded by any other error message? 
I have one issue in the log related to hitting cancel during a file creation, but yours is the first instance of hitting play completely shutting down Aurora.  I would like to know more about the conditions which reproduce this effect for you.


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