Black screen while...
Printed From: Aurora
Category: Aurora Sequencer Software
Forum Name: Aurora 1.0
Forum Discription: This is the place to discuss (and report bugs) the 1.0 version of Aurora
Printed Date: 12 Mar 2025 at 3:27pm Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.06 -
Topic: Black screen while...
Posted By: Slinkard
Subject: Black screen while...
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2010 at 1:52pm
When my schedular kicks off and my show starts I get a black screen that renders my computer useless until the show is over, and even then I have to kill the schedular.
I think it has something to do with video trying to play but I did not incorperate that into my show this year. I have went through the settings and disabled the video playback in the schedular but this black screen keeps popping up. I am using the latestest release and did not get this problem with 1.0.42 (my old version)
poked around here a bit didn't see this metioned so it has to be my fault but can someone help me get to the bottom of this?
Coming soon
Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2010 at 1:54pm
Double click. The video screen will resize. You can then move it to the bottom of the taskbar or anywhere else out of your way.
------------- ~Jonathan
Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2010 at 2:25pm
I am pretty sure I have clicked the hell out that screen but I will try again tonight. I am a computer guy so I might have just clicked ctrl alt del 
Coming soon
Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2010 at 2:27pm
Also meant for this thread to go under Aurora 1.0 but can't move it - if someone could walk the dog and kick the kitty of this thread over there - it would be appreciated.
Coming soon
Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2010 at 10:34pm
yep, 2 clicks later---- problem solved. 1 note - I found if you completely close the viewer - Bad things happen (errors) just move it out the way and call it a day. !
Peace and hair grease for the night!
Coming soon
Posted By: kedogn
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2010 at 12:10pm
This is a MAJOR PITA! Is it my understanding then, from reading above, that for whatever reason (since this didnt effect me the last few years, nor did it affect me until just a few days ago) that we will now have to babysit scheduler? If I am not there at 5pm when my lights come on via scheduler that playback window pops open. If I do not 2x click to make it smaller, it will eventually lock up my system and shut everything down until I reset my computer. Am I seriously going tohave to be there for this every single time it comes on now?
I didnt have this issue then one day after a reset next to Schedulers name was "Debug Mode". When I clicked it, it made me install it again. Why? Whats "debug mode" and why did it do that, any ideas?
I am going to be gone all weekend this weekend, so my assupmtion is that I will not have lights beyond the first few minutes of the show time on Saturday unless I can get this fix... so I know I would greatly appreciate suggestions.
------------- BOOMER SOONER! - Lee Family Lights
Posted By: gtxl1200
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2010 at 1:14pm
Originally posted by kedogn
This is a MAJOR PITA! Is it my understanding then, from reading above, that for whatever reason (since this didnt effect me the last few years, nor did it affect me until just a few days ago) that we will now have to babysit scheduler? If I am not there at 5pm when my lights come on via scheduler that playback window pops open. If I do not 2x click to make it smaller, it will eventually lock up my system and shut everything down until I reset my computer. Am I seriously going tohave to be there for this every single time it comes on now?
I didnt have this issue then one day after a reset next to Schedulers name was "Debug Mode". When I clicked it, it made me install it again. Why? Whats "debug mode" and why did it do that, any ideas?I am going to be gone all weekend this weekend, so my assupmtion is that I will not have lights beyond the first few minutes of the show time on Saturday unless I can get this fix... so I know I would greatly appreciate suggestions.MUCHAS GRACIAS! :) |
NOPE NOPE NOPE... This will not happen. the poster above had other issues. everyone of us who uses Aurora get the full black screen when the show starts. All you have to do is double click anywhere and it will go away. If you computer locks up you have other issues.. so relax and go have fun this weekend. All will be fine..
Posted By: kedogn
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2010 at 1:33pm
Originally posted by gtxl1200
NOPE NOPE NOPE... This will not happen. the poster above had other issues. everyone of us who uses Aurora get the full black screen when the show starts. All you have to do is double click anywhere and it will go away. If you computer locks up you have other issues.. so relax and go have fun this weekend. All will be fine.. |
Wish I could take what you just said... and trust it. However, I have run tests with Scheduler. I normally run it from 5-9pm, so I set my clock for 8:59pm, hit start on Sched and it started, inlcuding popping up that window. 2x click and its gone. When it stoped and went into "waiting for next show" mode, I reset the clock for 4:59pm and when it hit 5pm, the show started and up popped that black window full screen again. 2x click, it dissapears. Reset clock again, and once again the window pops open. This tells me that even with the show running, not being loaded after a reset or whatever, that ever single time that a show starts, it will pop that black window open and ONLY when that window is open is there an issue. This is a clean, no frills added 3.2gb processer with 3gb ram machine. Everything works great... or had until this "black screen of Scheduler Death" started happening.
So thanks for the reply, but I do not feel that you are correct on this, but I really wish you were....
P.S... I did see you said "get the full black screen when the show starts". Yes, and that happens each and ever single time a show starts in scheduler. So if I leave with it running just fine, the n ext evening when it starts, it will pop up again and need to be 2x clicked or it will cause problems. That is what I am needing to get around. Really hate to put this much work into a show and have it go down cause of this flaw on the final weekend before Christmas, which is usually the busiest at my house.
The part that ticks me off is I dont understand why it forced me to download the newest version of Sequencer/Scheduler in the first place. All had been working just great, then that "Debug Mode" issue and I needed the MSI for Scheduler for some reason.. all of a sudden. So not having the one for the version I was running, I had to download the flawed version and well, here I is... :(
------------- BOOMER SOONER! - Lee Family Lights
Posted By: kedogn
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2010 at 7:09pm
Wife just texted me that the lights came on... BUT, BUT, BUT... that damn black screen popped up just like I said it would.
So, now what? It's gonna do that every time that it starts... I cant baby sit it, so I guess I am just SOL, huh? Yeah?
Bummer... maybe LOR next year for me....
------------- BOOMER SOONER! - Lee Family Lights
Posted By: Comporder1
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2010 at 8:28pm
Just leave the black screen up. Mine stays black most every day. Everything is running fine in the background. (unless yours crashes for some reason)
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Posted By: kedogn
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2010 at 9:14pm
Originally posted by Comporder1
Just leave the black screen up. Mine stays black most every day. Everything is running fine in the background. (unless yours crashes for some reason)
Carey |
My system ONLY crashes (locks up) when that black screen is up. Other than that, no matter what I am running, now matter how many programs are open... no problems at all. :)
------------- BOOMER SOONER! - Lee Family Lights
Posted By: Comporder1
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2010 at 9:21pm
What version are you running?
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Posted By: kedogn
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2010 at 10:20pm
1.068 or whatever the current download is on the web site. Its 69 for Sequencer, but 68 for Scheduler.
------------- BOOMER SOONER! - Lee Family Lights
Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2010 at 10:53pm
FYI, The splash screen was never updated, it's actually v1.0.69.
Do you happen to remember exactly when this happened (as in what day)? Have you changed the show at all? Added a sequence, changed a start/end time, anything that could give a us a clue as to what triggered this? Any error codes generated? (Sorry, there is no code for "Ken Luck". )
------------- ~Jonathan
Posted By: kedogn
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2010 at 11:20pm
Well, my computer reset after a power outage. The next day when I went to launch scheduler it was showing it as being in "Debug Mode" and when I went to launch it it made me find the MSI file (which means that since I didnt have the version I was running, meaning no backup of that software, I had to download the one on the site). No error codes, no nothing, just that.
Ken Luck sucks! :)
------------- BOOMER SOONER! - Lee Family Lights
Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2010 at 11:28pm
which version were you running previously?
------------- Chris
Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2010 at 11:28pm
The black screen is supposed to only appear if you are using sequences with video in your show (AVI, WMV, or MPG media files). The purpose is to blank the screen during non-video sequences (to send black to a projector). If you are not using the video feature it is not supposed to come up... but some users have reported that Borealis is mistakenly blanking the screen even without video sequences. The mistaken blanking is a known bug to be fixed but that bug does not at all impact system stability.
Note: the screen blanking is simply a borderless black form placed on top of the screen... it serves no other purpose, so I really don't see how the blanking form itself should be causing system stability issues. Something else must be causing the stability issues... but I'm not sure what.
Maybe your config file is corrupt? You could close Aurora and/or Borealis and then delete your config.dat and shows\borealis.dat files. When you re-open Borealis you will need to re-setup your COM ports and reschedule your show.
Posted By: kedogn
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2010 at 11:33pm
I'll try that tomorrow... Thanks.
And yeah, no video here... but a bad case of the black screen o' death.
------------- BOOMER SOONER! - Lee Family Lights
Posted By: kedogn
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2010 at 11:42pm
P.S... good thing the lights were working tonight since I was just out front talking to a group of people from Gig Harbor, about 45 minutes from here, that saw us listed in a Tacoma (30+ mins from here) newspaper as a "Fan Favorite". News to me... and holy cow! :)
------------- BOOMER SOONER! - Lee Family Lights