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light intensity

Printed From: Aurora
Category: Aurora Sequencer Software
Forum Name: Tips 'n' Tricks
Forum Discription: This is the place to discuss sequences in general
Printed Date: 11 Mar 2025 at 2:25pm
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Topic: light intensity
Posted By: garagemahall4
Subject: light intensity
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 8:14am
I finally have my lights up and going after 2 years of having this program, the problem that I am having is that the lights are not as bright as they should be. How do I turn up the intensity on the lights? A  step by step would be great, if possible. Also, if I upgrade to the 1.04[ I am running 1.0 right now], will I lose my sequences that I have created already? Many thanks in advance, John.

Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 8:17am
The max burn setting is within D-Light's Harware Utility. I don't have it installed here, but I think it's on the general tab.

Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!

Posted By: deweycooter
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 8:26am
By default the Intensity event should be 100%.  To adjust it, right-click on the Intensity tool and adjust the slider accordingly. 

100% should be the same as plugging in your lights directly to the wall - confirm that these intensities are different first.  Then confirm that the intensities are set to 100% in your sequence. 

Last, it could be your hardware - use your hardware utility (do you have D-Light or LOR?) and turn the lights on.  If they don't come full on then (compared to a direct line to the wall), I would say you have an issue with your board.

I don't believe that any file formats have changed since 1.0 - meaning that you should be able to go to to 1.0.41.  Wait for someone else to chime in, but I'm pretty sure you'll be ok.

As always - take the time now to make a backup of your sequences and audio.  :)

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Posted By: garagemahall4
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 8:54am
sorry, should have added that I use D-lite. thanks so far.

Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 1:28pm
Originally posted by deweycooter

I don't believe that any file formats have changed since 1.0 - meaning that you should be able to go to to 1.0.41.  Wait for someone else to chime in, but I'm pretty sure you'll be ok.

As always - take the time now to make a backup of your sequences and audio.  :)

I do believe the upgrade to 1.0.32 last season required.....or was recommended that you open the file in 1.0.32 and save it.    I would save them in the upgraded version just to be safe.  Keep a backup copy of your current version sequences some place else.  


Posted By: garagemahall4
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 7:52pm
Ok, the intensity is on 100%, the waveform was at miderange, so I turned it up, but it didnt change even after I saved it. So how do I go to the untility hardward for d-lite the check the setting there, again a step by step would be great. I did have a problem with 4 channels, but the forum told me that I didnt have enough lights on those channels, wow what a surprise that was. All the channels work perfect, just need the display to be 100% brightness, thanks in advance again, John

Posted By: deweycooter
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 8:26pm - D-Light HW Utility - you need to register first

1. connect your adapter
2. start the utility
3. select the com port
4. click ON - all channels should come on

This utility can be used to test lights, discover address numbers and set addresses.

------------- - Aurora Lights Wiki">

Posted By: garagemahall4
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 8:27pm
Ok, got the intensity turned up, found it in the d-lite utility hardware, the wave form to event isn't that great but now its working, thanks for all your help, next year 32 channels with leds and stobes. Happy Holidays, John

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