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Printed From: Aurora
Category: The Vault
Forum Name: I'm New From Spectrum And I Need Help!
Forum Discription: General usage questions from former Spectrum users
Printed Date: 13 Mar 2025 at 4:40am
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.06 -

Topic: Help??
Posted By: kedogn
Subject: Help??
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2008 at 8:40pm
So I ran a show last night and the only thing I did different tonight from last night was that I updated the firmware on my d-light acx16 controller.  HWU works just great. I did try the beta of Aurora, and maybe thats my issue now that I think of it, but I opened my files and resaved them with the beta.  I am trying to pplay anything at all via scheduler or the sequencer and I am getting NOTHING.  Any thoughts or clues?


BOOMER SOONER! - Lee Family Lights

Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2008 at 9:29pm
Check your Com port and Net settings.  Make certain your controller ID matches what is in your sequence.


Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2008 at 10:56pm
make sure you disconnect the HWU from the controllers before you try aurora


Posted By: kedogn
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2008 at 12:24am
Ok, disconnected from HWU and that program is closed.

In the sequence it reads "Device Type: D-Light ACx16 (1.13+firmware)" and I am running 1.14.

Network Segment is 1.  Device Id is 4.

Serial Network Config: Network 1: Com Port 4.

It all looks right, its all corresponding... but no lights.

BOOMER SOONER! - Lee Family Lights

Posted By: kedogn
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2008 at 12:45am
I uninstalled the beta.  Reinstalled the original version... nothing!  I even double checked all the settings, I even started a new sequence with the right settings (network 1, device 4, d-light acx16 1.13+).. nothing!  This leads me to believe that it wont work with firmware update 1.14 since that is now the only thing different.  Anyone else have this issue?

BOOMER SOONER! - Lee Family Lights

Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2008 at 7:31am
Have been using 1.14 since it came out. Used it in the July 4th show. The problem is not in Aurora.


Posted By: kedogn
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2008 at 11:33am
I think I found the problem.... will verify shortly :)

BOOMER SOONER! - Lee Family Lights

Posted By: kedogn
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2008 at 11:47am
Got it! :)  It was however the new firmware... sorta.  I followed the list below which is from the website and nowhere does it mention that when you update the firmware it will reset the # of your controller.  Maybe this is obvious to some, but to others (like myself), I followed what it said and believed as long as I followed it exactly, I was golden.  WRONG! :)  So I went into HWU and started looking around and this is where I realized it was changed back to # 2 (default) from # 4 (where I had it set).  So I changed it back and it works again.  Not a major thing, but glad I was able to realize that cause it was becoming a pain in the butt :)

Here is that list form D-Light's site on how to update the firmware:
  1. Power off all controllers
  2. Power on the ONE controller that you want to update. (you should have a normal flashing LED)
  3. Run the D-Light Firmware Updater
  4. Select your COM port
  5. Select the unit ID of the controller that you want to update.
  6. Hit Connect
  7. After a few seconds, it should show Connected and display the type of controller that you have. (the LED may be either ON or OFF at this point)
  8. Select the appropriate firmware (DLX) file
  9. Hit the UPDATE button. (the LED will be flashing/flickering)
  10. You will receive a "Completed" message when done.
  13. Power on the controller and use the D-Light Hardware Utility to verify the new firmware version using the "Discover" or "Get Info" functions.

Thanks :)

BOOMER SOONER! - Lee Family Lights

Posted By: bdkeen
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2008 at 12:44pm
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that sorta got bit by this.  Happened to me too once. Took me a while to figure it out then felt like giving myself a big dope slap.


Posted By: kedogn
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2008 at 1:46pm
Originally posted by bdkeen

Took me a while to figure it out then felt like giving myself a big dope slap.

I agree.. I did too.  However, I followed directions.  As my wife said "Imagine that, a guy following directions... you should know better!" ;)

BOOMER SOONER! - Lee Family Lights

Posted By: tonyjmartin
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2008 at 6:45pm
Originally posted by kedogn

13. Power on the controller and use the D-Light Hardware Utility to verify the new firmware version using the "Discover" or "Get Info" functions.

And when you perform this last step to verify the firmware version, any controller that you just updated is discovered as Unit #2.  That is when you verify and assign the correct Unit #'s for your show, and why many of us NEVER use Unit #2 in our shows.  Some of us have updated firmware so many times (and reassigned Unit I.D. numbers even more times) that we have gotten in the habit of ALWAYS checking I.D. numbers whenever we fire up the hardware utility, as controllers have been known to reset themselves BACK to Unit #2 on rare occasions.

Personally, I discover all units to make sure they're "there."  Then I start bringing up individual unit #'s and initiate a chase.  Then I go outside to do a "dimmer check."  During this procedure is when I discover errant unit #'s, swapped electrical cords, and burned out instruments.  I don't do a check every night, but If I've messed around with the equipment that day, I'm sure to do one.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Posted By: kedogn
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2008 at 1:00am
Originally posted by tonyjmartin

Originally posted by kedogn

13. Power on the controller and use the D-Light Hardware Utility to verify the new firmware version using the "Discover" or "Get Info" functions.

  That is when you verify and assign the correct Unit #'s for your show, and why many of us NEVER use Unit #2 in our shows.  Some of us have updated firmware so many times (and reassigned Unit I.D. numbers even more times) that we have gotten in the habit of ALWAYS checking I.D. numbers whenever we fire up the hardware utility, as controllers have been known to reset themselves BACK to Unit #2 on rare occasions.

Yeah, kinda learned that one the hard way.  I did check that the update took, saw the 1.14 and moved on. It didn't say in that instruction list it would change the ID #, so I didnt even look at it.

None of my units have # 2... I stay away form that # as well.  I have never had an issue with an ID # resetting, until now with the firmware update.

Lesson learned... and passed along what I found out to maybe help others who are new to this. :)

BOOMER SOONER! - Lee Family Lights

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