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Couple more basic questions, TIA

Printed From: Aurora
Category: Aurora Sequencer Software
Forum Name: Tips 'n' Tricks
Forum Discription: This is the place to discuss sequences in general
Printed Date: 12 Mar 2025 at 8:42pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.06 -

Topic: Couple more basic questions, TIA
Posted By: Buckeyelights
Subject: Couple more basic questions, TIA
Date Posted: 11 Jun 2009 at 7:41am
Ok so I've set-up my template with my channel layout and drawn lights on a picture of my house, feelin' pretty good, until I try to import a sequence into it.  When I import a shared sequence it overrides my template and shows me the channel layout of the shared sequence, no file of my house. It's a new file, a new sequence.  Obviously I'm doing something wrong, something out of order, probably something very simple, just not finding the correct way to have a shared sequence show up in my template.
I'm opening my template file, then importing a shared file (sequence).  I've watched the video on importing files, so I must not understand some basic step.
      Here is a thought that just occurred to me. If I open the shared sequence first, then can I import my channel configuration into that shared sequence? Would my imported channel configuration show up below or above the existing shared sequence channels?
Q. #2: How do I cut 'n paste, import, copy, whatever you want to call it, a portion of a sequence form one file to another? One of the posters here was kind enough to share their really really cool looking arch sequence.   I won't mention his name, otherwise he might get a ton of similiar requests.  I have a similiar question w/ a mega tree sequence. 
Hopefully I'm explaining my question clear enough.
As always, Thank YOU!! Clap

Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 11 Jun 2009 at 7:44am
You want to import your template after you import the sequence.  Your template will merge with the shared sequence according to whatever options you choose when you do so (e.g. merge by name, merge by device, etc.).  Your channel config, house and all of the yard objects will come along for the ride.


Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 11 Jun 2009 at 9:25am
Originally posted by Buckeyelights

 One of the posters here was kind enough to share their really really cool looking arch sequence.   I won't mention his name, otherwise he might get a ton of similiar requests. 

Since I'm such a dang nice person, or I like people to think so Wink, here is the sequence Joe is referring to.  If your new and curious how certain arch effects are created, this shows some of the sequencing patterns to making them.  Its sequenced to a slightly shorted version of "Wonderful Christmastime"  

You can download the Aurora file from the link below. - Arch Sequences DLS file


Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 11 Jun 2009 at 1:10pm
Q2:  Short answer--  You can't.  At least not yet.  You can copy/paste portions of a sequence to another part of the same sequence, but you cannot copy/paste portions from one sqeuence to a different sequence.  The good news is that it keeps you from getting lazy. Wink


Posted By: Buckeyelights
Date Posted: 12 Jun 2009 at 7:21am
Originally posted by LightsOnLogan

You want to import your template after you import the sequence.  Your template will merge with the shared sequence according to whatever options you choose when you do so (e.g. merge by name, merge by device, etc.).  Your channel config, house and all of the yard objects will come along for the ride.
Thanks LightsOnLogan, that worked great.  Big%20smile

Posted By: Buckeyelights
Date Posted: 12 Jun 2009 at 7:28am
Originally posted by Jonathan

Q2:  Short answer--  You can't.  At least not yet.  You can copy/paste portions of a sequence to another part of the same sequence, but you cannot copy/paste portions from one sqeuence to a different sequence.  The good news is that it keeps you from getting lazy. Wink
Oh $%^$^, that stinks, at least for now.  Do I sense a new feature available soon? You can tell me. LOL
Can I import two sequences into one new sequence, then delete the channels that I don't want from the second?  I'm guessing no, that the second shared sequence will override the first sequence/file.

Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 12 Jun 2009 at 9:27am
You can import sequences, but only one at a time.  You can't import two squences into one 'new' file.


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