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Lights stay on and other things.

Printed From: Aurora
Category: The Vault
Forum Name: 0.2 Pre-Release
Forum Discription: (Archive) Questions regarding usage of the 0.2 pre-release version
Printed Date: 13 Mar 2025 at 3:59am
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.06 -

Topic: Lights stay on and other things.
Posted By: Slinkard
Subject: Lights stay on and other things.
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2007 at 10:37am
I been having a bunch of problems related to sequences that I converted. I have a total of 13 sequences. 1 opener like 6 songs 6 voice overs and then a 1 closer. I have been unable to get them to all run in the scheduler. I was able to get the meat and potatoes to run meaning the songs.  I had them looping and it ran 3 times start to finish.
So I turned it off. And added a voice over. at the end of the voice over it would no loop.
I tried many different combination. in fact i think I tried them all. I could not isolate 1 particular sequence that was the issue. They would run in different combinations and roll to the next song w/o issue.
The high light here is the meat and potatoes plays all night long with out hanging.
When I woke up this morning a few of my channels where still on... I went into the office and the program had completed error free but the lights were still on. I then shut down the scheduler and the lights went off.
I am at work right now and do not have my seq. files with me. I did email them to michael to look at though. from what I have scene so far from him the problem is probably already fix and a solution is in my email box at home! But I can't get to it Cry.
Anyways anyone else have this issue or know anything about it?

Coming soon

Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2007 at 10:49am

There are a couple possibilities...

Is it the same set of channels that are stuck on every time?


Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2007 at 11:07am
It was the first night that happen (for that matter the first night I completly ran Aurora) So I will let you know the answer to that either late tonight or early tomorrow.

Coming soon

Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2007 at 8:30pm

Okay, So I have added just a start and finish voice over. It has sucessfully ran through it's first loop and started back to the begining with no issues. It would appear that it is only if I add them during the loop.

Is there a way to have the voice overs just as an audio plugin that I could schedule at various time via new show times in the scheduler?
Oh and I throw on my snow blowers too! oustanding! I know from a software point of view that means nada but from mine it's cool as hell!

Coming soon

Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2007 at 8:48pm
Ran into a similar probem early on. If the "Announcer" sequence(s) has no channels added to it, it will cause the scheduler to freeze up after the first run-through. Easy enough fix - just add a few channels.


Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2007 at 9:58pm
OMG - I didn't think of that. In fact I programed (sequenced very generically) then cloned my controller and just changed the controller ID. Did all this in D-Light, and i'm willing to bet 50.00 thats exactly whats wtong!!!
Thanks much be back in a few to let you know the out come!

Coming soon

Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2007 at 10:38pm
okay so I changed them from:
track#1 - 16 track#1 -16
track#1  -16 and then 1-16
Same issue in between the 5th and 6th song it just hangs???
Gonna wait and see what the status bar says this time in scheduler
Should I name them 1 - 32?

Coming soon

Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2007 at 10:41pm
oh wait = the announcer is a sequence also! i might have misunderstood you.

Coming soon

Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2007 at 10:44pm
This time it hung but funny enough it hung with the same channels that stayed on all night last night. Refer to first post in thread. This is very weird..... need help

Coming soon

Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2007 at 9:49am

I haven't gotten a Vista box up to test your sequences on yet (I haven't been able to duplicate this with your sequences in XP), but I do have a hunch from what I am hearing...

Since we are talking about a 30 second not-so-complicated radio spot... Could you create a new sequence in Aurora (not an import) for the radio spot to test with?  If so, does the Aurora created one loop successfully or does it also interfere?


Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2007 at 2:01pm
I'm on it. Let you know.
Can someone send me a voice over that they have up and running in there show? I wont use it in a live show just want to use it to test with.

Coming soon

Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2007 at 2:37pm
okay, so it hung again with a fully sequenced voice over with Aurora.
These voice over's were originally MP3 that I converted to .wav's In fact all of my songs are done the same way. the voice overs were done by the demented elf as I am sure many others have the same.
should I run a filemon or something to ship out the log files to you? I'll just capture the last little bit before it hangs.
Cant figure out how to uplad the new voice over

Coming soon

Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2007 at 5:57pm
Have an opening sequence posted for you Slinkard. You can get it over at -


Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2007 at 7:18pm
it won't let me in, and I'm a member already. Not my day I tell ya!
It is a little late in the game to be expiermenting tonight. I am just going to run the show w/o voice overs, it runs fine that way. I try it again later tonight.

Coming soon

Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2007 at 7:23pm
Try it now - had a bad link posted. Sorry.


Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2007 at 7:58pm
thought I was a member but I guess not. just did the email verification, went back to the page via the email :( verified but nothing has happened. It really isn't my day for computers (and I am a network engineer for jimmy sake!)

Coming soon

Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2007 at 7:59pm
ha! tried the link I'm in lol

Coming soon

Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2007 at 10:29pm
here is the freaking goucher(is that a word) I just put my neighbors in my show. Yeah everything looped??? I know it's my sequences but I can't seem to find the issues Confused
trying Lights now. Not going to put it as an opener, cuz those work for me gonna throw it right in the midddle of the loop. And Thank you Lights!

Coming soon

Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2007 at 11:27pm
Wouldn't be a good idea to use my opening in your show - unless your last name is Flanigan!LOL


Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2007 at 12:16am
Well as a matter of fact... Cry it's not. but it kinda ryhmes with slinkard right!
I have determined that it has some thing to do with the timing grid of these seq. cuc I i have "Neighbors" in there and it is looping with no prob's
What I kinda want to know is what is wrong with most of my voice overs...... theyare not compicated seq's just simple stuff. it's got to be a timing thing....
Edit: can anyone else tell that me and the folks next door are tieing on a few

Coming soon

Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2007 at 8:34am
Seeing as how everything else is working well, it almost has to be the way the VO's have been encoded. Any way you can get a new set of announcements in WAV format without having to do an MP3 to WAV conversion?


Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 23 Dec 2007 at 11:55am

I've been able to replicate this... it has nothing to do with the MP3/WAV conversion; it does have to do with DirectShow not properly reporting back that the audio file has ended.  I'm working on some code to work around the flaw in DirectShow.

In the meantime, maybe you could try using the MSDXM setting when using the scheduler (but use DirectShow for the sequencer).  MSDXM has many problems in Vista that make it unsuitable for use by the sequencer (particularly with looping, starting & stopping mid song, etc.), but since the scheduler always plays the songs from start to finish there shouldn't be a problem with MSDXM using the scheduler in Vista.
LC, could you also beta test this configuration on your Vista install (but go back to DirectShow afterward)?


Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 23 Dec 2007 at 12:34pm
Will do when I get home tonight.


Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 23 Dec 2007 at 11:20pm
just got back from northern cali, I am pleased to announce that my show ran for 2 nights (and is still running) unattended. Going to stop it and redo a schedule and do the non-direct play back! I'll let you know the out come

Coming soon

Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 23 Dec 2007 at 11:59pm
That was the issue! I have successfully looped through a 10 sequence (plus the opener) play list consisting of 4 VO's and 6 songs. Only thing left is for me to figure out what song I left off the play list Cry Good times at the slink's house!!!!
When I pulled up I was so happy to see that my show was running I dang near ran into my tree! But it gets better, as I was unloading my luggage a car stopped by... 7 late teens, praising me and trying to give me money, lol. They said they have stopped by every night and are just amazed at the display. Now I don't have that big of a display so it brought a huge smile to my face! I gotta give most of this credit to Aurora and all the staff(if there is a staff?)
Also thank you everyone for the helped on my VO issue, strange it was I didn't like that it was just ME Big%20smile But I glad that this issue is one for the history books!
Thank you

Coming soon

Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 24 Dec 2007 at 12:15am
oh yeah forgot to mention the lights on issue, I could not replicate it. I think it may have been when thing froze up and the lights may have just been on.
Good times,

Coming soon

Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 24 Dec 2007 at 1:39am
Show just concluded and all is well. It played my close my open all of my VO's and music sequences. BTW the missing song....FOUND IT! good night all, and Thank you!

Coming soon

Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 24 Dec 2007 at 9:00am
Observations on using Vista with the Scheduler in MSDXM mode.
At the initial reconfig, a box popped up stating that some of the (music) files had an " extension of '.' that does not match the file format - continue Y/N"
Me dood it.
After clicking 'yes' several times, clicked the "do not show again" box. This allowed me to hit "Done" in the Scheduler config. After clicking "Done", the computer became a paperweight until I aborted via Task Manager after giving it five minutes. Went back into the config and changed back to DirectShow.
EDIT: All the audio files were "natural" WAV files - no MP3 or converts.


Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 24 Dec 2007 at 10:34am
I did not get any of those errors. Are you using MP3 format songs? All of mine are convert to .wav prior to assigning them to a sequence.

Coming soon

Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 24 Dec 2007 at 12:58pm

It is good to know this now instead of at 1.0.  I will look into why DirectShow is hanging on Vista when short audio files are used.  LCs error is something entirely different that I will look into as well.


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