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Suggestions & Thoughts

Printed From: Aurora
Category: The Vault
Forum Name: 0.4 Pre-Release
Forum Discription: (Archive) This is the place to discuss (and report bugs) the 0.4 pre-release edition of Aurora
Printed Date: 12 Mar 2025 at 5:36pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.06 -

Topic: Suggestions & Thoughts
Posted By: MrChristmas2000
Subject: Suggestions & Thoughts
Date Posted: 17 May 2008 at 8:11am
If you are editing a channel and you accidentally click on an area outside the channel edit window the window drops foucus behind the main Aurora window. If possible it would be better if the window stayed on top of the main Aurora window.

Will there be a rapid way to add a complete controller or series of channels at one time? I would like to add a controller such as an AC16 with some default channel names.



Holding breath for DMX.

Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 17 May 2008 at 10:46am
Originally posted by MrChristmas2000

Will there be a rapid way to add a complete controller or series of channels at one time? I would like to add a controller such as an AC16 with some default channel names.
There already is - of sorts. When creating a new sequence, Aurora will ask you if you want to import the channel setup from another file. Just select whatever sequence you have. And there you are!
Normally, a show for (insert occasion here) will use/reuse the same controller and channel layout. So its more expedient to create a dummy sequence that has ALL of your controllers in it and preconfigured with the net/controller#/channel#/name tags. Its a simple matter of just deleting the unwanted channels from the sequence your working on. Yes, its a pain to set up initially, but pays dividends later on.
The way the Aurora channel layout is designed makes it much more flexible - especially in the case of using imported/shared sequences where you can easily modify someone else's sequence to your layout. There are some sequences you can download here: -
You can also download Spectrum and LOR sequences and then use the Import function to convert them to Aurora's format. A web search will reveal quite a few sites.


Posted By: MrChristmas2000
Date Posted: 17 May 2008 at 5:15pm
I've requested to join the Aurorafiles Yahoo! group. That looks like a potential good resource for seeing what is possible.

I am switching over from Spectrum and Spectrum had that exact feature to select a controller and it added all channels.

I am also totally reconfiguring most of my channel design as well so importing from my Spectrum files just won't gain me much.

I agree the ability to import channels from another file that you have developed is a great feature. It's the amount of time that it takes to enter 272 channels one at a time initially that I am looking at.

I'm just testing how easy/difficult it is to start from scratch.


Holding breath for DMX.

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