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Sheduler operation

Printed From: Aurora
Category: The Vault
Forum Name: I'm New From Spectrum And I Need Help!
Forum Discription: General usage questions from former Spectrum users
Printed Date: 12 Mar 2025 at 7:13pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.06 -

Topic: Sheduler operation
Posted By: polar bear
Subject: Sheduler operation
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2008 at 4:27am
Hi, I am having trouble with the sheduler, I can enter all the nessersary information into the item box then when I click ADD it puts into space 12 even when i have told it 07/12/08, do the numbers on the sheduler represent the dates or are they just numbered spaces.
If I/we over come this hickup can you tell me if you have to have the sequencer open to start or does the sheduler do all that is nessersary to make it all happen?
Any help will be greatly appreciated, Thank you.Confused

Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2008 at 6:33am
Welcome to the forum!!
The numbers represent the starts and end dates for your show.
Date format for scheduler is month/day/year    12/07/08
You currently you just have to open scheduler to get it to work.
Are you located in the US?


Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2008 at 11:57am
The date setup uses the imperial method of MM/DD/YYYY.  Be sure to use all four digits of the year, not just the last two.

Under Settings, Playback Configuration there is an option to autostart the shows when Borealis is opened. 


Posted By: polar bear
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2008 at 1:09am
Hi guy's, first answer, no I live in Australia.
second part  is I will try out the date format, I hope it is something as silly as that.
I will let you know how I go , thank you for your time.

Posted By: polar bear
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2008 at 3:54am
Hi again, no luck i am afraid i have put the date in every which way. I dont see how it does it, the connection that is.
I will try to nut it out . if you have any other ideas please feel free to suggest. thank you.

Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2008 at 11:26pm
You probably already tried this, but I realized that MM/DD/YYYY is only valid when there are two numbers for the day, like the 11th.  Since the beginning of the month will have 9 days that are a single digit, the scheduler will read 12/9/2008, not 12/09/2008.  Also don't forget to edit the end date as well, and make it later (or the same day as) the start date.

In the meantime, have you properly set up your Serial Network Settings and Playback Settings?  While Borealis will prompt you to fix those settings if something is wrong, in my opinion it's best to have those setup before you try to add shows.


Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2008 at 11:14am
We really need to get a working date picker (calendar) control back in there don't we?


Posted By: polar bear
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2008 at 10:29pm
Hi, sounds good what does it do and how do you do it ?. It would appear that every time I put the show in, as long as the date is befor the 12th december it will write it to the 12th december , but that is the only day any thing else beyond and it will not appear, I really am looking forward to the 12th as the lights might be rocking all night.

Posted By: polar bear
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2008 at 3:39am
Hi again, I would like to report a resounding success, i decided to delete every thing and reload the program, i then followed all your tip's and YE HA she works a treat , thank you all for your help it's good to know that you are there. have a happy christmas HO  HO  HOSmile

Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2008 at 12:18pm
I'm glad it is working for you!
Older versions of Aurora used to have a minature calendar (the "date picker control") that would pop up on the date fields.  It was as simple as clicking on the day on the calendar (which also made international usage much easier).  Vista users were having problems with this control so we had to switch it out for old fashioned keybaord entry until we could rewrite the date picker for Vista.  This is what I was referring to needing to get back in place.


Posted By: bigvic
Date Posted: 15 Jan 2009 at 5:00am
hi polar bear
welcome to this side of the world with seqencing, l am also in aus in melbourne and last year was my first year at sequencing , and l might add that l think l am addicted. you will find it , because we are on the other side from most of the other guys it will be a bit different , l also had the exact same problem with the sequencer but hte guys on the forum also helped me out. The hardest thing l have found is that because we are over here and we are a day ahead it always takes 12 to 24 hrs to get a reply to a question, it can be a bit frustrating when you a  problem , but at the end of the day it all works out.  Just had thought , there are not many of us but we should all unite  as the Australian chapter of  D-light us/Aurora sequencers.
regards bigvic 

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