Printed From: Aurora
Category: Aurora Sequencer Software
Forum Name: Sharing Sequences
Forum Discription: This is the place to exchange Aurora sequence files
Printed Date: 12 Mar 2025 at 3:52pm Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.06 -
Topic: Videos
Posted By: bdkeen
Subject: Videos
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2008 at 11:43pm
Have posted a few more vfideos of our 2008 sequences:
Silver Bells - -
Toy Sack - -
Drummer Boy - -
One of the voice overs - -
Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2008 at 8:58am
So, what's going to be your contest submition???
------------- Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!
Posted By: bdkeen
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2008 at 9:11am
Originally posted by Pony_God
So, what's going to be your contest submition??? |
Uncertain if I'll enter - Haven't even really thought about it. Won't be untill I've stopped 'tweaking' if I do.
I have alot more video to take - Don't feel I have the 'best sequence' recorded - Can only stand out in the cold with the camera for so long before the fingers go numb.
Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2008 at 9:31am
You're still tweaking!? No one tweaks this late!  It's not like I have to update everything to add Firefly and the new bars on the ground or anything. Or fix some ramps that I thought were long enough, that AREN'T.
tripod and a hot drink.
But your up in the snow, right? Grab one of those chem. heat packs to put in your pockets.
I think I know what song we're going to submit.... I sequenced it in the least amount of time, but it's by far our favorite.
------------- Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!
Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2008 at 1:02pm
Every time, and I mean every single time I have tried to record my shows, some car or another pulls up and stops right in the middle of the street. The few times that hasn't happened, my memory card became full before I could record the show! I even tried to record it late at night, and still a car was there. I should have video within a few months at this rate! 
------------- ~Jonathan
Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2008 at 1:23pm
Best time I've found....and I'm not a morning person, but get up about 4am and run your show and record it then. Not many people out at 4am
------------- Chris
Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2008 at 1:25pm
Just get some kids to play in the street out of frame.
------------- Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!
Posted By: peteandvanessa
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2008 at 7:39pm
That talking Santa is friggin awesome!!!!
Posted By: bdkeen
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2008 at 9:33pm
Originally posted by peteandvanessa
That talking Santa is friggin awesome!!!! |
If you mean our big rope light talking snowman Thanks! Made from pvc pipe and pvc water tubing... One of my walks through Lowes plumbing department with an idea in my head, combine that with a couple strands of old rope lights (some that used to light on our deck and others folks threw in the trash)
I wasn't too sure about it at first but it came out better than I thought it might, and it's become one of the hits in the display. - Sequencing gets pretty sloppy looking because mouth movements oftentimes are no where close to the musical beat.
Posted By: kedogn
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2008 at 11:49am
Originally posted by Pony_God
You're still tweaking!? No one tweaks this late! |
OMG! I literally almost fell out of my chair laughing at this comment! Thank you! I have so much still to do. The "Tour Of Lights" for our local paper gets announced on Sunday, so I got a couple hours today to do some stuff before I have to go to Oklahoma tomorrow for my Mom's memorial service on Friday, then we are home Sunday, work Mon-Tues, then I can really jump in and start tweaking, and that's what, a week before Christmas?? :)
Between my Mom passing on the 2nd, D-Light not updating the firmware as they said they were going to for the ACx16's and working more than I usually do this time of the year, I almost feel as if I have missed, or am missing, this years lighting season. I did 1 thing to try and fix a problem I was having and encountered other problems now. All I did was change the direction of the controllers, I made what was my last one, my first one and so on so my first is now my last and while it fixed the issues I was having with the then last controller, it created several other issues. Gotta say that people are just amazed by the lights, but *I* know they arent working right, so even if I only get 1 week of them working right before Christmas, I am gonna keep on keeping on.
------------- BOOMER SOONER! - Lee Family Lights
Posted By: jberner
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2008 at 7:48pm
This is my first year and I have a million mistakes in mine but no one notices. I think they are amazed with the idea of lights turning on and off.... Electricity seems to be a new invention when it comes some of the folks near where i live. Dont worry about your mistakes unles you going to submit it to TSO and even then, just remember this is for fun. That $300 gift card wont even buy two d-light controllers.
Posted By: breakbenj
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2008 at 9:07pm
O.K. This is my first year animating lights so I would love to get some comments from some of you vetrans out there.
I only have 32 channels and all my songs have been edited so they are not full length and they are different from most songs I have seen here.
Please be honest about your opinons as most of you have been at this for years and I would like to learn from your comments. - - - - - - -
------------- Jeff

Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2008 at 10:23pm
Originally posted by kedogn
Between my Mom passing on the 2nd, D-Light not updating the firmware as they said they were going to for the ACx16's and working more than I usually do this time of the year, I almost feel as if I have missed, or am missing, this years lighting season.
I know you'll be hearing this a lot, but you have my sincere condolences for your loss. Try not to get yourself down about the show glitches or the extra hours at work, I'm sure your mother would have hated to see you stressed out about your show.
If I may offer just a humble suggestion, and take it or leave it as you please. Dedicate a song in her honor. Choose whatever her favorite Christmas (or non Christmas) song was, and sequence it with an announcement at the end of the song dedicating it in her name. I have a good friend who is in the military and I dedicated my show closer to him, and all the other brave folks fighting over seas. Even if it takes you the rest of the season to sequence it and it plays only once, I think your mother would have appreciated it.
As always, everyone of us here on both Aurora and D-Light forums are here to help get things going again. While we may not always have the answers, we sure do try! Good luck with your show, mate; just keep on truckin'.
------------- ~Jonathan
Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2008 at 9:18am
So, I'm deffinately not a veteran, even though we do have 96 channels and a Firefly with 60,000 lights this year. BUT. That's really nice. We really want to put multiple solids on our rooflines as well. We only have one string per edge.
Looks really good for only 32 channels. I'm always amazed how good low channel display look. At times I like them more than ours. (Even when we're planning on at least another 96 next year.)
AND... - Our video is horrible!
------------- Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!
Posted By: breakbenj
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2008 at 10:56am
Thanks for the reply, It seems the videos never reflect how it looks in person. I plan on growing a little each year and I thank eveyone on here for helping me through my 1st year.
------------- Jeff

Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2008 at 1:31pm
Thought y'all might like to see one video from Lights On Logan:
(board doesn't allow hyperlinks to mms so you'll need to copy/paste)
Not the best video work (wrong angle because a watcher was in the good spot), but this is the only video I have with a working set of Fireflies. Some of the shorter ramps are stuttery too, but that is the LEDs fault... kinda an interesting effect anyway! Enjoy!
Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2008 at 2:43pm
Originally posted by LightsOnLogan
Thought y'all might like to see one video from Lights On Logan:
(board doesn't allow hyperlinks to mms so you'll need to copy/paste)
Not the best video work (wrong angle because a watcher was in the good spot), but this is the only video I have with a working set of Fireflies. Some of the shorter ramps are stuttery too, but that is the LEDs fault... kinda an interesting effect anyway! Enjoy! |
I'm getting a....Server not available error
------------- Chris
Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2008 at 3:19pm
to be exact..this is the error:
Windows Media Player cannot connect to the server. The server name might not be correct, the server might not be available, or your proxy settings might not be correct.
------------- Chris
Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2008 at 3:22pm
Appears to be a DNS issue... I don't have time to fix it right this second, but try:
if that doesn't work, substitute 122 for 22
Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2008 at 3:43pm
Neither worked.....I'll check back later
------------- Chris
Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2008 at 5:22pm
Edited above post... I shouldn't post things when I'm on my way out the door (I posted the internal IP instead of the external one). I'll fix the DNS later tonight (I have to pull down the Cisco configuration first before updating the DNS A record)
Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2008 at 6:47pm
Ok... I've added the A record for media. Long story, but that one was lost during the July DNS server meltdown. Those who tried earlier and couldn't find the server will probably have to wait until the TTL expires before your ISP will pick up the updated DNS record (just use the IP address version in the meantime).
Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2008 at 8:12pm
OOOoooooo..... Pretty Fireflys.....
Very nice.
------------- Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!
Posted By: Slinkard
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2008 at 8:19pm
or you could ipconfig /flushdns
looks good!
Coming soon
Posted By: bdkeen
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2008 at 10:07pm
I've been waiting to see something with FireFlys that really showed them good..... OOOOooooo...Ahhhhhh....Pretty! 
Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2008 at 10:23pm
ok......that is just freaking cool.
------------- Chris
Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2008 at 9:01am
I'm considering changing the purple color in the Fireflies near the end (the color that hops in between times the mega does something) to orange instead. Going from one color with a heavy blue component to another of the same doesn't have the impact I was looking for. That is, if I ever get the pixels working again.
Sometime I will write up a howto on the VU meter arches which were entirely constructed with W2E.
Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2008 at 1:40pm
Fireflies with W2E? I only accomplished that when my firefly unit reset itself to ID 1 and received commands accidentally.
------------- ~Jonathan
Posted By: bdkeen
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2008 at 3:44pm
2 more videos:
Christmas Time's a Com'n - -
White Christmas - -
 Our singing snowman.
1.5 hours into tonight's show and I think the most popular question from visitors is "How'd you get the lights syncronized to that radio station?"  .. I tell them it's all part of 'The Magic of Christmas'
Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2008 at 10:56pm
I get that too. I tell folks that the strands absorb the wavelength from the sound waves because the LED's require so little power to run. It's really hard to keep a straight face after that when the person responds like they actually understand how that "works". 
You know, that snowman is quickly becoming my favorite element in your show. Looks great in White Christmas!
------------- ~Jonathan
Posted By: bdkeen
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2008 at 4:58pm
I've been getting alot of queries about the snowman - how did I build it, homany channels does it use, etc...
It uses 6 channels but could be done with 5 and wouldn't be able to see any difference. And if you want him just staring into space 1 less channel (no blinking eyes). I thought a random blink of the eyes would add a comical touch.
It's built through the magic of Lowes plumbing department..
Sequencing is fun because mouth movements can create a real event marker hash at times. Found it easier to sequence the mouth first then go back and sequence the actual music so those sequences that are more recent are better.
Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2008 at 5:29pm
6 channels? 1 for open eyes, 1 for closed eyes, 1 for open mouth, one for closed mouth, 1 for the rest his body... what's #6? I wanted something "to sing" like that for my shows, but I couldn't come up with anything I liked. I just have my mega tree sequenced with W2E for the "singing parts". (Too bad W2E doesn't work with every mega tree channel condensed to one channel like I currently have it.)
The great thing about watching everyones videos is that I see so many great ideas that I want to incoporate into my own sequences or even great songs that I want to use next year.
------------- ~Jonathan
Posted By: bdkeen
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2008 at 5:51pm
Originally posted by Jonathan
6 channels? 1 for open eyes, 1 for closed eyes, 1 for open mouth, one for closed mouth, 1 for the rest his body... what's #6? |
For some reason that I can't remember I put the hat on a seperate channel.. I think at one time I was going to have him tip his hat. Rather then addressing it in all sequences I just left it.. Something for next year perhaps as I refine our ideas and creations. Considering this is the first year I was afraid I might have taken too big a bite for a newcomer to sequencing. I think we did ok but there are a good number of things I want to improve and add more for next year.
When I decided to do this I must have watched hundereds of videos many of them may have been from other forum members - hence I shared all sequences if for no other reason than a simple thank-you to all of you that provided me the seeds.. I think I saw a Vixen sequence where a big face talked - wife loved it, so I tried to take it the next step and put the face on a body. Circles were easy to make so the snowman was a natural. Who knows what might be talking in our front yard next year  .. The snowman was a nice starting point and is something just a little different ..
Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 23 Dec 2008 at 8:45am
We loved the blinking eyes, that was just great! Totally wan't expecting that at all.
As for ideas, 2009 is already solidified. 2010 is partly planned... We can only buy so many controllers, lights, and install new AC circuits...
2009 we should have a megatree, better roof, more mini trees. and a sabertree.
------------- Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!
Posted By: bdkeen
Date Posted: 23 Dec 2008 at 9:28am
I can feel a few more ACx16's for 2009.. Still trying to figure out where and how to justify FireFly(s).. Would like to try playing with DMX perhaps to see what pandora's box that might open .
Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 23 Dec 2008 at 9:36am
We're staying out of the DMX money-pit for now.
------------- Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!
Posted By: kedogn
Date Posted: 23 Dec 2008 at 9:49am
Originally posted by bdkeen
I can feel a few more ACx16's for 2009.. |
Yeah, I would like a few, but considering everything that has happened, its gonna depend on how big my bonus is this next season at work and where we are living next year :) But I would love to add some more rope light snow flakes and some leaping light arches, maybe a mega tree :)
------------- BOOMER SOONER! - Lee Family Lights
Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 23 Dec 2008 at 10:28am
Mega trees are a must for displays. It's practically a law! (Just like using any TSO song.)
Honestly, I'm not too familiar with DMX; I don't even know what it stands for (although Wikipedia claims it's some rap artist). What would be a good example (or two) for DMX for our shows?
------------- ~Jonathan
Posted By: jberner
Date Posted: 23 Dec 2008 at 10:38am
DMX is used for foggers/snow on demand, controlling strobe speed, different styles of light, etc...
Think DJ show in a club and you get the idea... Or go to a club and ask the DJ a million questions till he tells you to go away. Give him a drink or three and he will teach you a little bit about it though.
It does get expensive. The 4 700w strobes I bought were about $100 each and my fogger was another $250 to get something that covers a portion of my yard. I intend on adding another this year at halloween to get the whole yard done rather than just 1/2.
Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 23 Dec 2008 at 11:05am
Well, this year it was mega-arch or mega-tree... We went with mega-arch. NEXT YEAR is mega-tree.
------------- Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!
Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 23 Dec 2008 at 12:14pm
Ah, tht explains it. Since I don't go clubbing nor have I ever been interested in it, I guess I must have missed out on that. The fog / snow machines I've seen (and I've got a snow machine that I have installed on the rooftop now that I decided not to use due to the noise) have always just used an AC outlet and a remote to control it. Even the ones we used in theatre productions were like that.
------------- ~Jonathan
Posted By: bdkeen
Date Posted: 24 Dec 2008 at 7:37am
Pretty much centered on the charity donation more so than the lights themself but here's the Local TV (WFMZ Allentown, PA, Channel 69) interview for our display: - -
Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 24 Dec 2008 at 8:01am
Cool! Nice well balanced reporting.
------------- Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!
Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 24 Dec 2008 at 8:41am
Awesome segment Bruce!!!!
------------- Chris
Posted By: jberner
Date Posted: 24 Dec 2008 at 8:43am
At least the media came for you. My local paper didnt come out and gave the local award to someone else who's display could, ummmm, use a little work...
Nice job. It is sweet that you got some snow on the ground for yours too. I dont know that i will even get to run mine tonight (christmas eve) due to rain.
Posted By: goumba67
Date Posted: 13 Dec 2009 at 10:46pm
Xmas 09 Bruce-Broughton-Overture-34th