An interesting thing happened...
Printed From: Aurora
Category: Aurora Sequencer Software
Forum Name: Aurora 1.0
Forum Discription: This is the place to discuss (and report bugs) the 1.0 version of Aurora
Printed Date: 13 Mar 2025 at 5:19am Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.06 -
Topic: An interesting thing happened...
Posted By: kedogn
Subject: An interesting thing happened...
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2009 at 7:10pm
So we finally got things working great and made it through Christmas and almost to New Years before running into issues again. This time my # 4 controller just stopped responding, so I figured that it lost its ID#, no biggie, easy fix. When I finally got the chance, I corrected that, it discovered via d-lights HWU and all was well... so I thought. Even though d-lights software was finding it just fine, and it was turning on and off via HWU just fine, when I ran a sequence in Aurora... nothing! So, I worked with the controller more, finally couldn't see it as a controller issue and decided its close enough to the close of the show, that I didnt care any more and gave up. Ran the show without that controller working for a couple nights and called it good. Something inside me told me I NEEDED to know why that wasnt working, so i went out and that controller once again didnt discover, so I went through that hassle again, it was discovering, all was golden. Yet again, nothing via Aurora. I finally started looking at the bulk channel editor and noticed that for the sequence I was running, I had no # 4 controller... at all! Um, hello? What happened to it? It appears to have disappeared! It was now listed as "A" on the sequence that I was working with. As strange as I thought that was, I changed those "A"'s back to 4's and it ran as it should. All is golden, right? NOPE! It was not a single sequence issue, every single one of my sequences controller # 4 was renamed "A". ALL 9 OF THEM! Now, remember, all was working well until about a week ago now and 1 night it just decided it didnt want to work any more, just that single controller. Guess I know now why it didnt, it wasnt the controller itself, it was that nothing was being sent to it.... the better question is, how did this happen? That I cant explain, at all. **I** am the only one at this house that knows how to do this stuff. There are only 2 of us that have accesss to that computer, myself and my wife. No clue how it happened, just that it did. So tonight I went back and changed them all back to 4's, cause I would still like to video our show before I start taking it all down. All 9 sequences had to be corrected...
Just call me baffled :)
------------- BOOMER SOONER! - Lee Family Lights
Posted By: jberner
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2009 at 8:14pm
I had a similar occurrence happen. I made a change to some controller in a show and them imported those changes in to other shows and noticed that one of my controllers changed to a letter as well. Of course I didnt notice it until I had replicated it to every show. I corrected the problem by doing the following, 1. Close the scheduler 2. open a bad sequence and fix the channels 3. save the sequence 4. close aurora 5. Open aurora and the sequence and verify that the save worked and close aurora if it did. If it didnt, change the channels again and save the sequence under a different name and then repeat this step to verify that it saved properly. 6. open aurora 7. open an existing sequence 8. Import the channels overwriting the existing channels 9. Verified the channels were correct 10. Save the sequence 11. Close aurora Repeat from step 6 on for each additional sequence.
I found that if I just opened sequences from one to the next it would not import properly. Seems related to the bug a while back where if you moved a channel the contents wouldnt move with it properly. In this case, it seems to see that the unit/channel exists already and assigns the sequence to it but then gives the channel a random new unit ID.
Posted By: kedogn
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2009 at 9:35am
Hmmm... well, it's good to know it wasn't just me then. I guess I am just gonna have to check, check and recheck everything next time :)
------------- BOOMER SOONER! - Lee Family Lights