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Pre-Post Show

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bdkeen View Drop Down
Beta Testers
Beta Testers

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  Quote bdkeen Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Topic: Pre-Post Show
    Posted: 09 Nov 2008 at 3:57pm

Currently the run before and run after options want a .dls sequence.

It might be nice if these Pre and Post show commands could shell out and be doing most anything. Allow the file association to fire off the correct application. Where this comes to mind for me is since I have static lights turning on half-hour before show starts wouldn't it be nice if I could also start my broadcast at the same time playing music and preliminaty announcements and such. Just putting the .wav path and filename would fire off media player which would play a 30 minute .wav (or media player playlist) then close whereapon the scheduler would resume.  Or I could fire off a .bat or .cmd file that could do all sorts of things.

I realize the options are intended for show opening and closing but having the flexibility to run Pre and Post commands rather than just a .dls might be nice. Maybe something like parse the string and if ".dls" exists it's a sequence and handle in the same manner it does now. If not null and not .dls then shell and run the command, if null then there's nothing to do (same as now)  - Shelling would return to the scheduler once the shell execution completes - something like this.
Wouldn't have to mess with another scheduling applications this way trying to schedule something before (or after) the Aurora scheduler starts - one common point to do all the scheduling.  
Work around now is a 30 minute sequence with no events - just audio. If I could fire off a play-list changes could be made to the playlist which is alot easier than changing a 30 minute .wav created by merging music file with Audacity
Just a thought for future

Edited by bdkeen - 09 Nov 2008 at 4:19pm
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