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Aurora installed, but crashes when opening

Printed From: Aurora
Category: Aurora Sequencer Software
Forum Name: Bug Reports
Forum Discription: This is the place to report bugs
Printed Date: 11 Mar 2025 at 12:02pm
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Topic: Aurora installed, but crashes when opening
Posted By: Jonathan
Subject: Aurora installed, but crashes when opening
Date Posted: 07 Sep 2008 at 1:03pm
Hello everyone! 

Ok, in my case, Aurora installed properly, but I am having several major issues. 

1)  The sequencer cannot seem to load any audio file except an mp3 (more on that in a sec).  When opening a wav file, I get the Windows Error message a few other folks have gotten.  (You know, the one where you get to choose whether to submit a bug report to Microsoft or not.)  Error code is:

AppName: aurora_sequencer.exe     AppVer:     ModName:
ModVer:     Offset: 0000c96d

The program then simply exits. 

2)  Ok, so I tried ignoring wav's and using mp3's, which was the only way I could get Spectrum to run too.  The problem here is that the songs play at an extremely fast rate.  This is the case for both imported Spectrum sequences, as well as new ones.  The sequences themselves import just fine, just the audio is weird.  Using Audicity I was able to verify all my songs are 44.1 hz and 16 bit rate.

3)  Scheduler simply crashes upon opening.  (See image). -

My system:

Windows XP Home on a Dell Inspiron 9300 laptop
I had the original 1.0.0 version installed, but then uninstalled and reinstalled 1.0.0b with no changes (except that I didn't need to register the second time for some reason).

I also did several reboots, but to no avail.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.


Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 07 Sep 2008 at 2:08pm
Just a suggestion, take your original CDs and rip them to WAV format, just to be certain you have a "pure" file.


Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 07 Sep 2008 at 4:05pm
Windows Media Player won't allow that, and it's the only program I've got that will RIP CD's.  Each time I have it RIP a CD, it stores it in .wma format (another format that won't load, btw).  To get it to a wav or mp3 format I have to use Audicity and crank the volume way up, press record in Audicity, go to Media Player, hit play, wait until the song is over than go back to Audicity, hit stop and edit out the silences at the beginning and end of the song then finally save it to the format I need.  Cumbersome, but it works.  Also, I usually edit the songs a little before re-saving them.  And some of my music came from the internet via and the like, so I don't have every CD. 

I tried adjusting the sample rate down to 22050 Hz 16 bit just to see what happened.  The wav file still killed Aurora as soon as it tried to load.  I tried this with lots of different wav files, all with the same result.  The mp3 file also failed to load, but this time I got an actual Aurora error message as opposed to the Windows error message.  Follow the link to find the screen capture of that error message: -

The point is that Aurora won't open any audio file correctly.  Most audio files simply shut it down, and the one format that does keep it going has a timing issue.  At least sequencer opens before giving up.  Scheduler won't even open for me at all.Dead


Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 07 Sep 2008 at 4:41pm
Just change the default rip format in MP to WAV. The settings are in there. Make sure you have MP 10 or better.

As far as the sequencer is concerned, have you installed Aurora 1.0b? This takes care of a few issues with the scheduler.


Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 07 Sep 2008 at 4:54pm
UPDATE:  I did some research on the net for info on the  Turns out another program on my system uses it.  I really don't like messing with system files, but because of system restore I'm willing to try.  I found a site ( - ) that gave me a step by step way to fix it, and once I did, wav files opened at their normal speed without crashing Aurora.  (Woohoo!) 

Note that mp3's still have the timing issue, and scheduler still won't open; those issues are still unresolved but for now I'll just use wav's instead of mp3's.  If we can just get scheduler to work things would be great.

If anyone else has this same issue, you might benefit from this information as well:

ExclamationCaveat:  Always back up your system files and make a restore point in system restore first.  Only try messing with system files if you are confident and able to revert back if something goes wrong. 

1.       Search your computer for the location of the files IVIAUDIO.AX and IVIVIDEO.AX.  This can be done using the following procedures;

·         Either activate the windows START button, press the ESC key and then press the windows PROPERTIES key

·         Or Right Mouse Click on the windows START button

·         Cursor Arrow to the SEARCH entry

·         Press the ENTER key

·         Follow the search instructions for locating a file

·         Locate the two files and make note of their locations

2.       Activate the windows START button

3.       Cursor Arrow to the “RUN” entry

4.       Type in the following string - regsvr32 /u “<path to the offending file>\IVIAUDIO.AX”

5.       Press the OK button

6.       When presented with the successful pop-up press the OK button

7.       Type in the following string - regsvr32 /u “<path to the offending file>\IVIVIDEO.AX”

8.       Press the OK button

9.       When presented with the successful pop-up press the OK button

10.   Close all windows and applications and re-boot your system


Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 07 Sep 2008 at 5:00pm
As I was typing my last post, LightChristmas replied back.  To that post I say this...

Oh hey look, you are right, I can change it.  I stand corrected.  Embarrassed  I have version 11.X right now.  But it looks as though that doesn't matter to scheduler.


Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 07 Sep 2008 at 5:04pm
As far as the scheduler goes, is it crashing as soon as you click on the calendar, or what? NMI


Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 07 Sep 2008 at 6:14pm
I don't get that far, although I can see the calender in the background.  I just open up the program and the error pops up immediately.  I have the choice of saying Ok or Cancel, but both cause the program to end.  On rare occasion the error doesn't pop up and I can fiddle around with the program.  But there is no pattern that seems to indicate why that might be the case.  Out of the last ten times I tried to open the program, it only opened twice.  Withf the two times the program opened, a mouseover random days caused the same error message to appear and again shut it down. 


Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 07 Sep 2008 at 6:24pm
Have you installed ver 1.00b or are you still using 1.0? If not, it might be a good idea to do so. 


Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 07 Sep 2008 at 8:38pm
Yes, as part of my own troubleshooting I uninstalled 1.0.0 and installed 1.0.0b.  The only difference I noticed is that 1.0.0b installed the full program version and did not require me to unlock the demo.  (Maybe it remembered that info from the first install, I don't know.)  I've had several restarts since then just to be sure. 

With scheduler, there seems to be a link between where on the screen the mouse is at when the program opens and when the program fails.  Not clicking anything mind you, but just mouseover.  Let me show you what I mean.  I've uploaded a short video clip of what happens whenever I open Scheduler: -


Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 07 Sep 2008 at 10:32pm
Going to go waaay out on a limb here, but is there a possibility that your mouse is using the same com port as Aurora and or the scheduler? In Aurora Sequencer, change the com port to some high number (like 5) and see what happens.


Posted By: autotime
Date Posted: 07 Sep 2008 at 10:46pm
i am  having problems when  program open when i start a new sequence it loads then just exits program.. is there a quick fix for this??? thanks tim



Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 08 Sep 2008 at 4:42pm
I haven't set any COM ports up yet in Aurora.  Would they be the same as they were for Spectrum?  In my case, COM4 was the USB485, and COM 5 was wiLink.  Without hooking anything up I tried to add a new "network" for COM 5, but I got a 340 error and the program exited.  When I get a chance I'll drag the controllers and out plug them in to see if that makes a difference.  As of now, I do not have any "network" set up.  So instead I unplugged the mouse completely and used the touch pad.  I had the same error message scheduler always shows me, and the program shut down.  Back to square one.


Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 08 Sep 2008 at 8:08pm


The only way that I could generate an EC 340 was to leave the Network entry blank!
You need to complete both items in the Serial Network Config box. Network Number should be set to Net1 and the COM port set to 4.
As an analogy, when we were running Spectrum, it was essentially Network 1, even though we had no extra choices. Under Aurora, we can have MANY networks as defined by the controller configuration. This way you could have the RS485 dongle controlling lights in your yard on Network1 and controlling another set of controllers via WiLink on Network2; or any of an almost infinte number pf combinations.


Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 08 Sep 2008 at 9:10pm
Ok, so now I have two "networks".  One for the USB485 (COM 4) and one for wiLink (COM 5).  No 340 error message in sequencer...


...wait for it...

...Scheduler STILL won't open!  Ouch  Exact same error as before. 
( - )


Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 08 Sep 2008 at 9:18pm

Am going to have the pass the buck on to Michael on this one. Sorry.


Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 08 Sep 2008 at 10:43pm
Thanks for trying.  For the most part the critical issues are resolved (at least enough so I can start to sequence around them).  But I must say that I do have a track record when it comes to the Scheduler applications in that  I have never gotten either one to run properly.  Spectrum's Scheduler loaded but didn't work, and Aurora's Scheduler works but won't load! 

If the images in my links won't load, I can try to type them out if it helps.  Anyone else have any ideas on how to get scheduler to open without crashing?


Posted By: autotime
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2008 at 1:16am
Im still trying to figure out whats up with sequencer, when i try to open it and import files or even start a new sequence  it says importing sequence and reading devises it picks up all 96 chanels then goes to loading audio video/files bookmarking it just shuts down to desktop . any help would be great..
thanks tim



Posted By: JonB256
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2008 at 5:44am
Tim, at the very least you need to describe your computer system. XP or Vista? Memory, hard drive space, video card, etc..   What sound file type - MP3, WAV, WMA, etc..

JonB - D-Light user

Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2008 at 8:12am
off subject, but it was brought up...
There are 32 network options, so does that mean that in therory I could have 250 ACx16s on each network/com-port? Of could I'd need 32 RS485 adapters.

Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!

Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2008 at 8:26am


Posted By: autotime
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2008 at 9:47am
hey jon,
 i think i got what ya asked for im running xp home, i have a hp computer intel pentium 4 3.06ghz 1.49 gb ram, 180 gig hd and under display adapter it says intel 829156/cv/910gl express chipset family. as far as audio files it does it on mp3 or wave files. thanks cant wait to start programing..



Posted By: JonB256
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2008 at 10:45am

See the Intel Support page at -  

If you haven't updated your graphics drivers lately, you probably should. There were "issues" :) with the early drivers.
Unless your computer has had another video card added, your motherboard shares memory between the CPU and the Graphics. To change the amount, you need to make a change in the computer's BIOS at boot-up. If you are only using 8MB for video, then Aurora could be running out of memory. You might try bumping the Graphics memory amount up to at least 64MB in the BIOS and try again.
Good Luck.   JonB

JonB - D-Light user

Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2008 at 7:44pm
Originally posted by LightChristmas

Now, I could have only spent so muchwith one network, now you just allowed me to spend thirty two times the money! Although that's just far too cool.

Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!

Posted By: autotime
Date Posted: 10 Sep 2008 at 12:26am
hello again, i installed latest drivers and set bios to 64mb, but program still shuts down after it detects channels, any more ideas?????
thanks tim



Posted By: JonB256
Date Posted: 10 Sep 2008 at 9:10am
Tim, what hardware are you controlling? D-Light ACx16? LOR PC board? and are you using a USB-485 adapter? Is it connected and is the correct COM port entered in the Neetwork settings?
Let's assume your computer isn't the problem for now and look closely at the added hardware for your light controllers.

JonB - D-Light user

Posted By: autotime
Date Posted: 10 Sep 2008 at 10:05am

Jon i am using 6 ac16 controllers and the usb-485 adapter. as far as being connected i havent hooked anything up yet, could that be the problem? when i first click on sequencer program a start up box opens, and in the back ground looks like the program the only thing it will let me click on is in the welcome / startup options box my options there are other locations, start new file or import file and there are 2 songs in the box. when i click on import it sees one song i was working on in spectrum sequencer once i click that it opens another box that saysimporting seguence and in that it says dertiming number of channels and then starts reading devices and scans thru all the channels.then another  box opens and says loading audio/video media files and bookmarking then just closes with nothing else. now while it is loading before it closes i can click in the back ground on like file,edit view,settings, help and open these and it stops the loading process and i can look at network settings at first i didnt have any set there, but i read thru some post and it said to set it to network 1 comm 4 and thats where its at. thats pretty much everything there.

thanks tim 



Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 10 Sep 2008 at 11:18pm
COM 4 is what my computer assigned to the USB485, and it will be different on every system.  Go to the D-Light Hardware Utility and hit connect.  That will tell you the COM port # your computer assigned to it.  Then create a "network" using that #.


Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 12 Sep 2008 at 7:01pm
All's quiet on my Scheduler bug front (no doubt they are hard at work developing a solution as I type this), so I thought I'd update the developers (that's you LightsOnLoganWink)  on what I've learned thus far about the bug.

As I have reported, every time I open Borealis, it immediately closes.  Some further testing has shown that this isn't actually a true statement.  If I move the mouse around in the calender area, it will activate the error and shut down.  BUT, if I hover around the EDGE of the screen (near the start and stop options or the menu bar) it won't error out and close.  I have been able to set up a show, but it gives me a COM port error when running it even though the USB485 is plugged in and the network set... haven't tried the wiLink desk unit yet.  But the main point is that everytime I mouseover the calender itself the program dies.  Dead

My images of the error don't seem to be loading, so here is the text contained within the error box:

Debugging Information: 
5:  Invalid procedure call or argument
Aurora.Scheduler.CalenderMouse.2.2 Col 3Row 0Item 0Bound 0Data
(Note:  The Row and Item sometimes have different numbers depending on the placement of the mouse at the time of the error, e.g. 6Row 4Item, but everything else is the same.) 


Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 12 Sep 2008 at 10:00pm
UPDATE:  Hooked up an ACx16 and scheduled a show from the menu bar, being careful not to mouseover the calender.  For the first time in history, a momentous occasion that will be recorded in the ancient tomes, a scheduler actually "worked" for me and played the show correctly.  Of course as soon as I moved the mouse I got an error, the lights shut off (but the music kept going) and when I hit ok, everything stopped. 

Another note that I'll mention here rather than start a new thread is that in the sequencer, I cannot send out commands.  I click the light bulb, and it seems to be going ok (no errors), but nothing actually happens.  No blinky lights.  Network is set up fine.


Posted By: JonB256
Date Posted: 13 Sep 2008 at 7:31am

I see several references to "Borealis" as the name for the sequencer. My system just doesn't show it anywhere except for a single "borealis.dat" file in the Sequencer folder. When sequencer runs (and it does, though I haven't tested whether it outputs, yet), my Vista Task Mananger shows Aurora_scheduler.exe in the Process list, though nothing in the Applications list.

Should I be seeing a program named Borealis?  I'm too far south for the real Northern Lights.

JonB - D-Light user

Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 13 Sep 2008 at 8:16am
Borealis is the super-secret code name for the schedulerWink. Back in the early beta-test days when I was picking code apart,  I discovered that was what Michael had intitially called it, well the name kind of stuck and is used on occasion as the name of the scheduler, rather than call it Aurora Scheduler.


Posted By: dylanwalker
Date Posted: 11 Oct 2008 at 2:16pm
Is there any word on this mouse over crash bug for the scheduler?  I am also having the same problem (I posted it in another thread as well and was directed to this one). 
I get the error message as soon as I move the mouse at all when scheduler is open:
5: Invalid procedure call or argument
Aurora.Scheduler.CalendarMouse.2.2Col 3Row 1Item 0Bound 0Data

Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 11 Oct 2008 at 6:29pm
I'm hoping that will be addressed in the next version released. 

However, as a workaround, you can try this.  It's a bit annoying, but it works for me.  Open up Borealis (Scheduler), but make sure your mouse pointer isn't anywhere near the program.  After it opens, carefully move the mouse around the window making sure it doesn't touch it until you are just above the menu bar.  At that point you can access the menu bar so long as the pointer doesn't mouseover the calendar itself.  You can then select File, New Schedule Item, and then setup your show.  When you hit add, immediately and quickly shove the mouse pointer upwards so by the time the add schedule window closes back to the calendar, your pointer is off the window completely.  Then move the pointer back around the window to the bottom of the screen, again, you guessed it, keeping clear of the window.  You can then carefully move the pointer to the start / stop buttons, and click start.  Move the pointer back off the window, and then use the keyboard shortcut (sorry, I forget what it is) to minimize the window to just above the taskbar (that way you won't accidentally mouseover the calendar and shut it down. 


Posted By: dylanwalker
Date Posted: 11 Oct 2008 at 9:38pm
Actually you can circumvent all that mouse moving by just using the ALT key to access the top menu and TAB to go between fields.... I too hope this issue will be addressed.

Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 11 Oct 2008 at 10:48pm
Well I guess that would work if you wanted to do it the easy way!  Wink

All I know is that I'm a mouse guy.  I tend to forget keyboard shortcuts even exist. 

So long as I can program the scheduler with my songs and have it work as it should, I'll be happy.  At this point I don't care if I have to alt + tab everything or stand on my head to sequence.  Just get me a stable version that sends the commands I programmed at the times I programmed them during my show time and we're good.  Ying%20Yang


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