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Splitting Cells

Printed From: Aurora
Category: Aurora Sequencer Software
Forum Name: Tips 'n' Tricks
Forum Discription: This is the place to discuss sequences in general
Printed Date: 12 Mar 2025 at 9:23pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.06 -

Topic: Splitting Cells
Posted By: Bubba
Subject: Splitting Cells
Date Posted: 19 Jul 2008 at 5:40pm
In the final cut will we be able to split the cells a a per channel basis? Or will the split go across all cells. Right now I don't think it's an option to split the cells in a single channel or group or channels. To me anyway it would be helpful.

Posted By: peteandvanessa
Date Posted: 22 Jul 2008 at 2:36pm
The splits go across all cells (they do in all the Beta versions I've tested) so my assumption would be that the splits across all cells will also be in the final release. (e.g Splits across a per channel basis won't be supported)

Posted By: Bubba
Date Posted: 22 Jul 2008 at 3:35pm
For me not atleast not having the option to split cells on a per channel basis is the only negative I can find in a sea of positives. I find that I can sequence a song atleast 2x's faster with Aurora. I do like to split cells on the channel level because in the instance of Leaping arches or minis I like to use 1/10th second intervals as my standard with the rest of the channels layed in later and set by hand.

Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 23 Jul 2008 at 11:27am
This has been discussed before... I'll have to check my post-1.0 architecture notes, but I believe the "compromise solution" involved a color property for the event lines/tool.  They will still extend across all of the channels but you'll be able to select which color/layer of lines you want to use.  I believe this is going to be introduced around 1.2 (I'm on the road for TCLW and don't have that part of the project plan with me).


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