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Sequencing a Weber Tree, any hints or tips?

Printed From: Aurora
Category: Aurora Sequencer Software
Forum Name: Tips 'n' Tricks
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Topic: Sequencing a Weber Tree, any hints or tips?
Posted By: Buckeyelights
Subject: Sequencing a Weber Tree, any hints or tips?
Date Posted: 07 Jun 2010 at 7:33am
Soon I plan to try sequencing a Weber Tree and wondered if anyone else has given it a try? Any helpful tips or advice would be appreciated.
how did you draw the Weber tree in the visualizer?
What did you quickly learn that you didn't think about before you started? I don't need one of these: Ouch LOL!

Posted By: gtxl1200
Date Posted: 25 Jul 2010 at 4:13pm
Originally posted by Buckeyelights

Soon I plan to try sequencing a Weber Tree and wondered if anyone else has given it a try? Any helpful tips or advice would be appreciated.
how did you draw the Weber tree in the visualizer?
What did you quickly learn that you didn't think about before you started? I don't need one of these: Ouch LOL!
I tried and it isnt as easy as I thought it was going to be. I ended up building a mini one in my workshop and tried it that way, still not looking right. I wish someone or the actual Mr. Webber would speak up.. Unfortunatly I dont expect ever to see MR. Webber again. They were being chirldren on Planetchristmas. and I think he left mad.
So on that note I will keep plugging away at it.

Posted By: TheQueb
Date Posted: 25 Jul 2010 at 8:22pm
What's different about a Webber vs a Mega? My impression is that it's just a spiral Mega so you could sequence the same as a Mega

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Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 26 Jul 2010 at 8:26am
Unless someone comes up with a specific program that will export to at aurora, lsp, LOR file type, I doubt you'll ever see a true graphical representation on  any of the commercial programs. 

I'm probably going to follow the mega tree design and basically its going to be a graphical image in my head to what its going to look like.  If you sit and watch the video enough, you should get enough of a mental image to understand what its going to look like doing certain patterns. 


Posted By: Buckeyelights
Date Posted: 27 Jul 2010 at 11:57am
I'm just about to give this a try. I think I'll start by drawing straight line on a 45 degree angle, one slightly higher than the next. 12 channels would be represented by 12 diagonal straight lines. That hopefully will be enough to give me an idea of how the chases will look.
I thought about building a mini-webber tree too. More work Wink, ahh; gonna wing it first.

Posted By: gtxl1200
Date Posted: 01 Sep 2010 at 5:28pm
Well, I went ahead and build the Full size version of the Webber tree. Let me tell you it wasnt easy. Plus I have to still move it out front whre it is going to be for the show. I built it so I can try and get it to do what Mr. Webber did with his.. Let me tell you it is not easy at all. I can barely make it do a once around let alone all of the things we all seen and loved on the video. so those of you who hasnt starte programming your webber tree yet you might want to get started..

Posted By: Buckeyelights
Date Posted: 02 Sep 2010 at 12:43pm
Hi gtxl1200,
Would you please share some of the details of the problems you encountered and any suggestions you have?
"..barely make it do a once around.."; what did you mean by that?  Was the strand of lights too short?
For sequences, I've used typical chases, etc., that I used with a regular mega tree sequence.  Since I've not built the actual spiral tree yet, I can't test those events out. Are you doing anything different for the events within a sequence?

Posted By: gtxl1200
Date Posted: 03 Sep 2010 at 7:26am
Originally posted by Buckeyelights

Hi gtxl1200,
Would you please share some of the details of the problems you encountered and any suggestions you have?
"..barely make it do a once around.."; what did you mean by that?  Was the strand of lights too short?
For sequences, I've used typical chases, etc., that I used with a regular mega tree sequence.  Since I've not built the actual spiral tree yet, I can't test those events out. Are you doing anything different for the events within a sequence?
Hello, what I meant by a once around was make the tree look like one strand was spining around the tree.  Here is How I built my tree. I used two sections of an old TV antanea I had. It stands 20 feet tall. I then took clothes line with the wire inside and ran 8 lines from the top down 4ft out, so from 1 across to the other is actually 8 ft.  I then wrapped 32 strings around aproximatly 1and a half times, and spaced them by eye. I didnt use any fancy math to figure the spacing. I plugged 2 strings into each channel. Thus giving me 16 channels with 2 strings in each channel. Then I just set outside with my show computer and started to turn ons and offs and played.. I'm not having good results. I can get them to spiral. But I can't seem to get one to spin one direction and one to spin in the opposite direction. I watch some of Mr. Webbers videos then try and emulate. It has been raining hard here for the last two days so I havent wanted to send electricity to anything.. It is supposed to clear up here today. So I will go out and give it another try. I have been studying Mr. webbers videos and stopping them and moving them frame by frame. So hopefully I will make some progress today.

Posted By: deweycooter
Date Posted: 03 Sep 2010 at 9:43am
can you send your channel configuration?

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Posted By: gtxl1200
Date Posted: 03 Sep 2010 at 1:27pm
Originally posted by deweycooter

can you send your channel configuration?
Not really sure I understand the question..
I have  string 1 and 2 plugged in to channel 1... String 3and4 plugged into channel 2 right on around like that. There is no way to make the spirals in the vizulizer on Aurora. so basically I just add some turn on and off timings, and then send to lights. That is how I have been trying to sequence it. 

Posted By: deweycooter
Date Posted: 03 Sep 2010 at 4:29pm
PM your email

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Posted By: zingerlive
Date Posted: 01 Nov 2010 at 11:59am

You could make a view looking down, use the flood light tool and place dots in a swirl, copy the swirl around for each channel, and there ya go. It's not 3D but still will get you close. :-)

How did you do that?

Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 03 Nov 2010 at 10:32am
really, sequencing a spiral tree is mostly about visualizing it on your head. I just used horizontal lines up my existing mega tree so I can see the difference. 


Posted By: Buckeyelights
Date Posted: 05 Nov 2010 at 12:04pm
 I ended up drawing straight lines on about a 45 degree angle.  Now or very soon we'll see if what I did worked or not.  Hope this isn't a complete flop.  I thought about building a small test version, but it didn't make it beyond the good intention department.  My modification to the mega tree will be on the fly.  All of my sequences have incorporated it, so hopefully, very hopefully it'll work.

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