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UAC ???

Printed From: Aurora
Category: Aurora Sequencer Software
Forum Name: Installation Issues
Forum Discription: This is the place to discuss issues with installing Aurora
Printed Date: 12 Mar 2025 at 8:09pm
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Topic: UAC ???
Posted By: ChrisL1976
Subject: UAC ???
Date Posted: 30 Sep 2008 at 1:29pm
ok, I redid this post since I got the 64 bit machine to run both the sequencer and the scheduler.   My question is how important is it to have UAC turned ON?  If its ON, I cant get either, I get error messages for both programs . If I shut UAC off, both open clean.

I'm new to Vista, so should it be turned on? 


Posted By: bdkeen
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 7:43am

Seems that the general concensus is that UAC’s primary purpose is to stop users from doing dumb things. It's yet another level of automated OS protection.  Good for folks like my wife Shocked. But annoying as can be for many.

Turning it off means you just have to try and be in control - same as all previous versions of Windows OS.  Means using some common sense - not much different than we've had to do under XP or before.
May not be the best thing to do from the security standpont but I disabled it as soon as I installed Vista (and Windows 2008).
There's a ton of articles on the controversy of turning it off or leaving it on.
My personal choice was to disable and take my chances making my best guess based upon the many years working with this stuff. It was just too annoying and I didn't want to kick the new computer - not yet, It's got to run my xmas showWink


Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 8:00am
See, now I wouldn't turn it off. Do you really turst that Windows will still be secure enough with a deadbolt on thier screen door disabled? How easy do you want to make it for viri/malware to get in?
UAC isn't exactly an anti-anything, it's more of a nanny to sit there and ask if you really want to do it.
I work with vendors that tell me that UAC, Antivirus, anti-spyware, and network backups are the reason that thier software doesn't work, and tell me to stop everything. I just ask them if they are going to support all of the security issues that arrise from the lack of protection and backups.
For my Vista 32 everything runs well enough. Sequencer asks me each time I start if that's what I wanted to do, and says that it crashed when I close the program. Other than that, it's just like XP, possibly a bit better.
You did do the Vista Patch AND THEN installed 1b? Right?

Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!

Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 9:33am
Yes, I uninstalled 1B.  Ran the Patch, then reinstalled 1B and got the same error.  Tuning off the UAC cleared the error, so obviously its hanging up on something the UAC is doing.  If I should keep it on, then is there to have it exclude Aurora while still having it protect the rest of the compute?


Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 9:34am
For the record, the 1.0 and 1.0b download links currently both are the same "1.0b" version.  After 1.0b fixed 95% of the "error 339" problems I depreciated 1.0 and replaced it with 1.0b.  It has been this way for 2 weeks or so.  The Vista patch should no longer be necessary, but it will not hurt anything if run over 1.0b either.
The following only applies to error 339: If the current version gives you a 339 error you can try to download the offending file name in the error message directly from Microsoft (don't get it anywhere else though... there are lots of fakes out there).  Do let me know what file name it complained about if it isn't one of the usual suspects (MSCOMM32, MSCOMCTL, MSCOMCT2).
5% of the "error 339" cases still exist on one file or another.  We are working on a "reg-free COM" version of Aurora.  While that doesn't mean a whole lot to non developers, it is actually quite cool... when we get it to work the program will not install any of the offending OCX files -AND- it will not even need to be installed at all (you could copy it to a thumb drive and it would run on any computer you attach the drive to without installation).  This will become the default distribution of Aurora once we get it working.


Posted By: bdkeen
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 9:45am
If you're asking me - yes Vista Patch and 1b..  Aurora works just fine and I've got absolutely no problems with Aurora running on XP, Vista, and now even Windows 2008 Server (other than any of the known issues that are already logged or are currently being addressed)
I'm probably in alot different situation than most based on experience and the resources I have at hand. Could end up writing a book why I've made the choice that I really don't need the UAC babysitting for myself. Don't feel threatened at all by "deadbolt on their screendoor disabled"
My Vista box is pretty much dedicated to Aurora along with just a few odds and ends that I might utilize in support of Aurora. I run AV software on all my nodes that the normal home user wouldn't have since my home network is also a test bed for support of a global network of over 500 servers and 10000 workstions and I also beta test for a major AV software vendor.  Not the normal home setup.
I wouldn't disable UAC without weighing the risk.
There's tons of tech articles indicating the pros and cons of disabling UAC.. Everyone has the oppertunity to evaluate the risk and make the choice based upon their own situation.
At least Microsoft gave us the option and freedom to choose.


Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 10:00am
so is there a way in Vista to turn off the UAC from only Aurora?    Although that babysitter does annoy the crap out of me  :)


Posted By: bdkeen
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 10:08am
Appears as if UAC is normally an all or nothing but there also appears to be ways to be more selective.
Haven't tried it myself - but perhaps -  will provide a starting point.


Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 10:13am
Originally posted by bdkeen

Appears as if UAC is normally an all or nothing but there also appears to be ways to be more selective.
Haven't tried it myself - but perhaps -  will provide a starting point.

  I was just reading that article.   Maybe I'll give it a shot. 


Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 10:23am
What's the actuall error? What's happeneing? What's the UAC ask? What's your answer to it?

Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!

Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 10:35am
UAC can be "turned off" !!!PROVIDED!!! you have good firewall and virus software. The shrink wrapped trash that comes with many PCs won't cut it. And the firewall that comes with windoze is more deterrent than protection. If you're going to pursue this course, I recommend using AVG 8.0 antivirus/malware/spyware and BlackIce as a firewall. Do NOT use the default settings as these are most likely compromised by now. BlackIce is freeware while the AVG you want will cost you $55

The other downside to turning off UAC is that you will be constantly nagged by windoze to turn it back on. Which is why many of us have PCs - to TUNE OUT the nagging!LOL


Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 10:38am
Originally posted by Pony_God

What's the actuall error? What's happeneing? What's the UAC ask? What's your answer to it?

I believe its the MSCOMM32 error, but I can get it for sure when I get home for lunch.

click to open Aurora and it asks if I want to allow it to run, I click allow.  Error pops up, and shuts down Aurora.  

I can get more specific at lunch if needed....actual wording, etc


Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 10:38am

And don't forget to make sure that auto-updates are on. And the optional updates are added. And the AV is updated nightly, and that it does deep scans. and... and... and... Unless you know what needs to be done, and have to time to do it, I warn against turning any protection off.

Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!

Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 10:48am
So its a case of either turn ON UAC back on and not be able to run Aurora or my show from the laptop which was part of my reasoning for buying the laptop, or turn off UAC and be able to run my show, but risk harming the computer.

I'll get you guys all the specific errors I'm getting and maybe a fix can get figured out. If not, I'll try that Application Compatibility Toolkit from MS and see if that works......if nothing works, I'll just turn off my wi-fi for the month of December, turn off UAC, and run the the show from the laptop.     


Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 11:22am
My guess is that the MSCOMM32 is just missing. I had to download it and place it in the correct location... and... and something else that I don't remember specifically.
What Vista is it? I'm on Busines.
Are you the local Admin?
Originally posted by ChrisL1976

if nothing works, I'll just turn off my wi-fi for the month of December, turn off UAC, and run the the show from the laptop.     
That was going to be my next comment. Unplug/disable all networking, turn UAC off, and run the shows. THen UAC on, and network back up after everything is all done. I'd also disable AV software if your that far off the grid just to take that tiny bit of load off the HDD and speed up the disk reads a hair more.

Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!

Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 11:30am
Originally posted by Pony_God

My guess is that the MSCOMM32 is just missing. I had to download it and place it in the correct location... and... and something else that I don't remember specifically.
What Vista is it? I'm on Busines.
Are you the local Admin?

Its Microsoft® Windows Vista® Home Premium 64-bit with Service Pack 1
Here's the computer: -

Where did you get the MSCOMM32 file from?   I cant find it on Microsoft's website...and where does it need to be placed on my computer.

Local Admin....I'm the only user name on the computer..does that answer your question.

I did notice something, when I turn UAC back on. The first time I right click on Aurora, it has the option to "Run as Administrator"  Would that change anything?   If I right click on it again, it doesn't come up.


Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 12:30pm
Alright, quick search got me this site for the file. -
It needs to be in the "C:\Windows\System32" directory.
Try to run the setup program again but right click and "Run As Administrator" (I think that even though I'm a domain admin, I still had to do that.

Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!

Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 12:41pm
ok..its a different error.


Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 12:54pm
Ok, I searched for that error code online found a online post saying to run this "regsvr32 comdlg32.ocx"    I put that in the search window in START and it came up with the AURORA VISTA PATCH......I double clicked the vista patch, it opened a DOS style box, ran through some commands and closed.  I clicked on Aurora, UAC poped up, I said ALLOW and BINGO....Aurora opened up.  Scheduler opens as well.......Clap


Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 1:18pm
Maybe you need to run the vista patch after you run the install.....?????   It worked on my end.


Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 1:50pm
yep... I had to register something after...
So cool! Another running install now.
Any other problems?

Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!

Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 1:59pm
The next "error" you'll see is every time that you close Aurora, Vista will think that it crashed... Just ignore that.

Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!

Posted By: bdkeen
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 2:27pm
I installed then ran the patch - worked great.  and never got the regsvr errors because the patch took care of this.
Just the annoying UAC pop up, asking me to allow, but that's not unique to Aurora. It's only a Vista nuance.


Posted By: ChrisL1976
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2008 at 3:22pm
Originally posted by Pony_God

The next "error" you'll see is every time that you close Aurora, Vista will think that it crashed... Just ignore that.

Yep.....thats all I get now.  I can live with that is that's as bad as it gets.....I'll hook up a controller tonight and see if I have output


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