does the scheduler send to lights
Printed From: Aurora
Category: Aurora Sequencer Software
Forum Name: Questions About Aurora
Forum Discription: Considering ordering but want more info from other Aurora users?
Printed Date: 12 Mar 2025 at 6:35pm Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.06 -
Topic: does the scheduler send to lights
Posted By: breakbenj
Subject: does the scheduler send to lights
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2008 at 11:40am
I haven't used the scheduler with the lights hooked up so I was wondering if Aurora had to be running also in order for the lights to get the commands?
------------- Jeff

Posted By: LightChristmas
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2008 at 12:23pm
Actually, its best if you DON'T have Aurora running as having the possibility of two data streams running to the same USB port can be a problem.
The scheduler (aka Borealis) is intended to run by itself.
Posted By: breakbenj
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2008 at 5:51pm
cool thanks
------------- Jeff

Posted By: christmas 01
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2009 at 10:56am
i have a question, now that all the sequences are finished, and that i have sourced all the music and checked and double checked and triple checked everything looks good, how do i make it all work on the days of the month if you know what i mean, ie in dlight i used the scedhuler to programme my dates last year, but now ive got aurora do i still use the orignal sceduler or download something related to aurora? cheers thanks for your help.
------------- Many hands make christmas lights work
Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2009 at 11:41am
Borealis is Aurora's scheduler, and it comes with the program. You may find this Borealis - tutorial handy.
------------- ~Jonathan
Posted By: christmas 01
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2009 at 1:56pm
on the tutorial the area where the dates for the month are ie 1st dec 2nd dec are coloured cream, but when i open up the scheduler on my pc here it shows dark grey, why??
------------- Many hands make christmas lights work
Posted By: Bigindian
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2009 at 2:25pm
The scheduler shows the last two days of November which are dark grey. The entire month of December is white. The last two days on the calender are actually the month of January. They are there as place holders more than anything else.
If you right click on a day, it is the start date of your schedule. You can select the days of the week, time to start and the time to finish.
Once that is done, add your sequences and/or opening and closing and hit start. Minimize Aurora and you are set. It will run that schedule until the last date you set.
If you start December 1 and end Jan 15, the calender will populate with the schedule.
Give it a try. Let us know what happens
------------- The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.
Albert Einstein
Posted By: christmas 01
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2009 at 2:40pm
that is what january 2010 shows all in white like you say december is suppose to

and here is the month of december, when i tell it to setup the days and right click on any day / date in december it always brings up 01/12/2009 and doesnt post the sequences ive uploaded? please help, have i not got the install correct, aurora works fine, but i dont have the pcd board or lights connected as yet does that make a difference?

------------- Many hands make christmas lights work
Posted By: christmas 01
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2009 at 2:53pm
how come it only shows as january on my scheduler? does that mean i cant use it in may??
------------- Many hands make christmas lights work
Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2009 at 4:19pm
Well, let's first clear up how dates are read. In the US, dates are read as MM/DD/YYYY, not DD/MM/YYYY as they are in Europe. So, 01/12/2009 is January 12, 2009, not December 1, 2009.
This confusion has led to a few problems with other international users. You'll want to set the date on your show computer to match the US format so the computer can properly communicate the correct date with Borealis.
Next, ignore the calender itself. Due to mouseover problems on Borealis last year for a certain user <ahem, me>, Michael (the programmer) disabled the calender. Clicking on any date brings up the first available date for the month you happen to be on irregardless of what day you clicked on. So for now, ignore the calender.
I want you to go to File, then select "New Schedule item". Name your show. Then manipulate the start date and end date boxes by hand using the US date format of MM/DD/YYYY. So December 1, 2009 would be 12/01/2009, and January 10, 2009 would be 01/10/2009. Then select the sequences you want to play in your loop, including a run once start sequence and a run once end sequence if you like. The start and end sequences are optional, but you need at least one song in the main loop. Once everything is the way you like it, hit Add. If it added successfully, on the month your show is scheduled to run, you will see the show name and the time listed for it to run. Once you hit the green Start button, it will wait for the next scheduled show.
You do not need to have anything hooked up for this to work; the scheduler sends out the commands whether any network adapters (USB RS-485) or controllers (ACx16's) are listening to it or not.
------------- ~Jonathan
Posted By: Bigindian
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2009 at 6:15pm
I guess that hindsight is the best teacher.
------------- The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.
Albert Einstein
Posted By: christmas 01
Date Posted: 21 Sep 2009 at 2:43am
thanks jonathon i have changed the pc to English USA and it works fine, so will just have to remember to change it on the nights that the show runs.
------------- Many hands make christmas lights work