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Borealis starting on its own at wrong time of day

Printed From: Aurora
Category: Aurora Sequencer Software
Forum Name: Bug Reports
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Printed Date: 12 Mar 2025 at 1:49am
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Topic: Borealis starting on its own at wrong time of day
Posted By: BigDPS
Subject: Borealis starting on its own at wrong time of day
Date Posted: 26 Nov 2009 at 4:21pm
Ok this is a weird one. For the past couple of nights, the scheduler had been running right. Got up one morning and there was an error created by Borealis. I can't recall the exact error since we can't really see the screen when it goes black (how do we change this?Angry).

Last night, it had started at the right time and ended when it was supposed too. It is set to run from 5:30 pm til 11:00pm. At around 12:30 in the morning, my wife wakes me up to tell me that the display was still on. It had turned off right because I had checked to make sure before we went to bed after the local news. She said the flickering (of 12000+ lightsWink) had woken her up.

What would cause Borealis to initiate a start when it behaved perfectly for the last week to now come on when it wants too?


Posted By: gtxl1200
Date Posted: 26 Nov 2009 at 8:20pm
That exact same thing happened to me this week also. I could have wrote that. My wife also woke me up and said the lights came back on. I had an error inBorealis also dont remember what it was. I just had to reboot and everything has been fine. I just figured for some reason Borealis and Zara radio wasnt playing nice together. I see now you had the same issue unless you have Zara radio also and just didnt mention it.

Posted By: BigDPS
Date Posted: 26 Nov 2009 at 8:54pm
What is really weird is that I have nothing on that computer except Win XP (watered down version) and Aurora installed. I don't even have an anti-virus running. It's just barebones! he date and time was all set properly so I have no idea why it does it. I'm hoping it won't do it tonight.


Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 26 Nov 2009 at 9:17pm
The scheduler goes to a black screen once started because of the video capabilities of Aurora.  This is very useful if you are running off of a laptop with a projector attached to it.  If you are not using video, the screen remains black.  If you are, it begins to play your video sequence.

To get rid of the black screen, double click.  The video window then resizes down.  Even when I am not running video I like it because the screen stays black and I don't have to worry about the screen staying on all night long.

As for the scheduler staying on past the off time, that happened to me twice last year.  Because it seemed to be an isolated event, I didn't worry about it.  Try a reboot.  A lot of things seem to get fixed with a reboot, and that's what I did when it happened to me.  If the problem persists, report back.   


Posted By: JohnnyL
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2009 at 3:02pm
im just curious which version you guys are using for your shows. same thing happened to us sat morning about 1:30. wife got up to let the dog out, noticed the show was running Loud & Proud. im using ver 1.41. anyone using 1.69 having this problem?

"In God We Trust" all others pay cash

Posted By: gtxl1200
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2009 at 3:03pm
Im using 1.69. so far it has only happened once..

Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 8:46am

I'm watching this thread.  It seems there is an issue, but it isn't obvious at this time how/why it is.  It is very isolated and random (out of thousands of successful show start/stops, so few instances of this have been reported that I can count them on my hands).  All I can do right now is watch to see if a pattern emerges.


Posted By: crichter
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 2:28pm
I had this same issue happen to me last night.  My show runs from 5:15pm until 10:30pm and it ran fine for the last 3 days.  Last night the show ran and at about 12:30am it came back on.  The only difference for me is that there was no error message from the scheduler.  I am using the same box I used last year, in fact it is exactly the same with the exception that I upgraded to 1.0.69 following the usual uninstall, reboot, install, reboot process.  I forget what version I ran last year, however I did not have this happen once.


Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 5:33pm
I'll just chime in that although my shows have ended correctly so far this season, one night there was a lone strobe light twinkling away, and this morning all the white lights for the house and the red lights for one tree were still on.  I'm about to add in my run once show closer spiel, and hopefully that will take care of it. 


Posted By: JohnnyL
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 6:06pm
im running 1.41 on a clean (virgin) install on my server. i never have gotten any errors on that machine. the only other glitch is it wont run an end sequence (in the second "run once" box. for some reason i dont think Borealis likes porky pig Tongue

"In God We Trust" all others pay cash

Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 10:36pm
Tonight was the first night I let it turn off on it's own, but it didn't.
It was supposed to stop at 9, but at 11:00 it was still going strong. And no, I do not have 2 hours worth of seuences, it's 20-30min worth... 6 songs total.
I clicked stop, then start. Show did not start, we'll see if it starts on it's own tomarow at 5.

Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!

Posted By: BigDPS
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2009 at 2:50pm
Yesterday, being the 1st of December, borealis didn't start. It took me a while to figure out why. I am in Canada and I use Canada English on my date settings. Borealis is full of prejudice. It HAS to be on USA ENglish or else, it just spits in my eye. Not very nice.Dead

What was weird was that I turned off  the scheduler to do so and even though I didn't see any trace of the program running (i had checked in task manager), as soon as I changed the date format, it started playing my sequence! Out of nowhere!!! This program just spooks me at times.Confused


Posted By: BigDPS
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2009 at 5:37am
Well it happened again. At 1:19 last night (early this morning) the show was on. It had stopped at 11:00pm as per normal. When I stopped it at 1:19, it was playing the last song in my show so I don't know if it would'v e stopped on itself after this. Probably not.

Like I wrote before, there is nothing on this computer. I have the bare minimums XP installed with nothing else but Aurora programs. What the heck is triggering this to happen? The ghost of Christmas past ? I'll be away for a few days during Christmas and I can't be here to monitor or turn it off, should it happen on its own. 


Posted By: TheQueb
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2009 at 10:48am
Originally posted by crichter

I had this same issue happen to me last night.  My show runs from 5:15pm until 10:30pm and it ran fine for the last 3 days.  Last night the show ran and at about 12:30am it came back on.  The only difference for me is that there was no error message from the scheduler.  I am using the same box I used last year, in fact it is exactly the same with the exception that I upgraded to 1.0.69 following the usual uninstall, reboot, install, reboot process.  I forget what version I ran last year, however I did not have this happen once.
I could have written this exact message. My show has been running and shutting down correctly since Black Friday. This morning I looked out at the weather and I notice that my trees are lit.  Turned on my speaker inside and a song is playing.  Looked at the screen and the status bar says it's playing my "weekdays" schedule. (I run later on Friday and Saturday)  No error or anything to note...

80 D-Light-ful Channels - Southeast Texas Lights - D-Light Users

Posted By: BigDPS
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2009 at 3:22pm
I wonder if there could be some feedback from the controllers up the computer via my cat 5 cable? I know this is far fetched but it is unseasonable mild right now and I can't recall what type of weather we had when it first happened.

No matter how you cut it, it is not a normal behaviour.


Posted By: BigDPS
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2009 at 10:47pm
Ok it gave me an error. I got home tonight from a party only to see the scheduler still running. It says:
Aurora encountered an unexpected error and will now reset.
Debugging information:
3704: Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.

Hope this will give some type of info to the beta testers.Confused


Posted By: BigDPS
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2009 at 5:41am
And it did it again.Thumbs%20Down Starting to be a big pain in the arse. I will be away from my home for a week during Christmas and I can't rely on Borealis to come on when it's supposed.

When we install the program, if I was to install say 1.041 on a computer, can  I just copy Borealis unto my other computer that has 1.068? Or is there other files that will need to follow? Or am I just better to just install 1.041?

I'm starting to think that the last version with video support is the one screwing it up. When I turn it off in the middle of the night after it started on its own, I see about 4 or 5 tiny video preview windows in the background. 


Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2009 at 6:20am
FYI- I have reports of this happening with 1.0.41 as well.

Hold on for just a bit longer.  As soon as we get past the COM stability problems (the bigger issue) then we'll be looking into this in more detail.  It is likely this will be fixed within the week.

Others have reported that the false startups are at exactly midnight.  Is this the case for you as well?


Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2009 at 11:29am
Worth a try...  I'm still testing a work around (meaning this may not work), but create a post show.  One short sequence, all lights off.  Then run it from 11:45pm to 12:15am the next day.  The idea is that if the scheduler turns on by itself at midnight, it will continue to run the existing post show and then stop.  I added a post sequence loop and things were fine last night (but that could have been good luck). 


Posted By: TheQueb
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2009 at 11:35am
FYI I've only had the problem occur the one time... *knock on wood*

80 D-Light-ful Channels - Southeast Texas Lights - D-Light Users

Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2009 at 12:57pm
That sounds like a good workaround until we figure this out.  Has this happened to anyone at a time other than midnight?


Posted By: BigDPS
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2009 at 1:54pm
Originally posted by LightsOnLogan

FYI- I have reports of this happening with 1.0.41 as well.

Hold on for just a bit longer.  As soon as we get past the COM stability problems (the bigger issue) then we'll be looking into this in more detail.  It is likely this will be fixed within the week.

Others have reported that the false startups are at exactly midnight.  Is this the case for you as well?

I can't tell exactly what time it has started since my wife wakes me up to let me know but it sounds about right.  By the time my wife told me about it, it had gone through the whole set.

As long as we can get that bug fixed before the 23 of December, I'll be happy.

when you say a short loop, with no lights, does it have a song as well?


Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2009 at 4:48pm
I used Audacity to create 30 seconds of silence (30 seconds was the default, but you can choose any length of time you like), and then I created a sequence that I called, interestingly enough, "30 Seconds Silence".  I went ahead and imported channels from the template, but you don't have to; just create a new channel and save.  The "song" will loop until after the critical midnight time and that *should* keep the scheduler from running the main show. 
It worked for me last night, but the caveat is that I've been testing a lot of different things recently so my configuration is different from yours.


Posted By: BigDPS
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2009 at 7:36pm
I'll give it a try. I'm fed up of getting the nagging elbow in the ribs followed by "Your light show is still on". Makes for very sleepless nights after being awaken that way! Tongue


Posted By: BigDPS
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2009 at 5:36am
Well I did Jonathan's trick and it didn't come on. I set it at 11:45pm until 12:30am. I didn't get the elbow in the ribs so it must be a good thing. Wink


Posted By: LightsOnLogan
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2009 at 6:58am
This is being worked on now.


Posted By: BigDPS
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2009 at 5:26pm
What exactly is causing it? Is it a gremlin or something?Wink


Posted By: dylanwalker
Date Posted: 12 Dec 2009 at 12:38am
I'm also having this issue on winxp with the latest version of the scheduler (1.069).  Immediately after the show is scheduled to end, it turns on 4 of my channels (they are either channels 1,3,5,7 or 2,4,6,8; I'm not entirely sure which) and leaves them on until I stop and then restart the scheduler (it might be that if I waited until the following day, the next show would start).  I hope a fix is coming soon.

Posted By: Pony_God
Date Posted: 12 Dec 2009 at 10:13pm
We have not had this issue at all. Windows Server 2003 nothing else installed.
The lights that are on, may get the on signal at the end of the seqnce, I know that I have a single mini tree that turn's it's self on at the end on one of our sequences.

Fine. You're so smart you rig up the lights. - D-Light users Unite!

Posted By: dowdybrown
Date Posted: 13 Dec 2009 at 2:32pm
Originally posted by Pony_God

We have not had this issue at all. Windows Server 2003 nothing else installed.
The lights that are on, may get the on signal at the end of the sequence, I know that I have a single mini tree that turn's it's self on at the end on one of our sequences.

I think this is probably a separate issue. I would expect Aurora to turn all lights off after playing a sequence, but it doesn't seem to. The way to get around it is to add an event very near the end of the sequence and ensure everything is turned off after that event.

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Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: 13 Dec 2009 at 3:19pm
On my spiel sequences I play in between each song, I noticed some lights would stay on, specifically five pixels on two firefly strands.  It turns out that I had pasted an effect that went past the end of the song, and those pixels were staying on because of that.  Go to the end of the sequence, then press Page Down to scroll out past the end.  You can then use the info tool to ensure all the cells are at 0% or place a 0% intensity in all the cells (place a black color for RGB channels) and then save it.  Once I did that, my channels went off and stayed off.  Even if you didn't paste an effect, something may have caused a phantom event to be placed (say, a shared sequence with an audio file that was originally longer than the one you are using).

And I can confirm that a short post show (with one looping silent sequence and no lights on) does indeed prevent the main show from starting up again.  We are working on a new build right now that will resolve this (release date unknown). 


Posted By: Buckeyelights
Date Posted: 16 Dec 2009 at 2:24pm

Last night the ghost of Borealis paid me a visit, exactly at midnight. I'm running 1.69 on Vista.  Scared me, but at least it didn't interrupt an important evening activity Wink.


Posted By: dowdybrown
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2009 at 6:27pm
I experienced it for the first time last night. I'm running 1.69 on XP. Didn't scare me since I had been keeping up with the bug reports. But annoying nonetheless. The anticipation grows for the next release!


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